
If your team is not playing in the playoffs, who are you rooting for?

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If your team is not playing in the playoffs, who are you rooting for?




  1. Red Sox. If not them, the Angels

  2. GO METS!!!!

  3. Its gotta be the rays or the cubs because the rays have never won a championship and its been about a million years since the cubs last won

  4. If, which is a lot closer to when at this point, the Yankees don't make the playoffs then it depends on who is in. Of course first off would be whoever is playing against the Red Sox. I live right smack dab on the battlefront in the center of CT. Pretty much exactly between the two cities. I for one cannot stand Boston fans and do not want to hear them gawkng about another title for the city. So much for the inferiority complex Boston fans used to have with the Pats, Celts, Sox all having great teams now.

    Secondly, if the Dodgers make the playoffs then I will root for them because of Torre. If not then I'll probably root for the Cubs. It would be nice to see them finally win one. Then the goat curse and Bartman could rest in peace.

  5. Since the Cardinals are going nowhere this year I will root for whoever is playing a team from New York or Boston.  I will root for the Rays and the Cubs.  Yes I am a Cardinals fan (for 51 years)  rooting for the Cubs so long as they are not playing the Cardinals.  I would like to see a Cubs vs Rays World Series.

  6. Any team from Seattle, Chicago or Florida

  7. Since the Indians won't make it to the playoffs, I'm going to root for the Brewers.

  8. tampa bay

  9. I would like to see the Cubs win it... Anyone but the Red Sox again

  10. If the Phils don't pull it out, I'll be rooting for a Cubs/White Sox World Series.  

  11. The team playing against the Cubs.

  12. Cubs. It has been long enough. I remember when RedSox won theirs and how happy they were and how big of the news it was. Cubs’ story will be bigger.

    I hope they are down to 0-3 as well (Beaten by CC, Ben and someone else) and then climb back to win 4 in the roll and 7 games epic against RedSox (Kind of Irony).

  13. Normally I just root against the Yankees, since I'm one of the ultimate Yankee Haters. But this year may be different and I may be able to enjoy the postseason without having to be wary about the score of the Yankee game (Although the rewards when they lose are worth it, since I live near New York and get to bash all the Yankee Lovers).

      My favorite team is the Giants, but I root for the Mets because my mom likes them. If the Mets don't make it I will root for the Angels and Red Sox. I chose the Angels as the team most likely to the win the World Series, and it would be cool to be right. At the same time I would love to see the Red Sox win two in a row, the Yankee fans would get so much bashing, it's not even funny. The good thing about postseason baseball when your team is not competing is, that you can sit back, relax, and just enjoy some exciting baseball without getting emotionally attached.  

  14. Rays or anyone playing the cubs.  

  15. Rays, Diamondbacks or Brewers

  16. I'm a Giants and A's fan, obviously neither are even close, so I'm kinda pullin for the Brewers or Bo Sox. The Brew Crew's got one of the better rotations and some pretty good punch offensivly (if they wake up and realize that). Boston's got such a deep bench of rooks you gotta root for plus some cool vets. As for their pitching, not terrible if Beckett ever gets better. They need a bull pin though.  

  17. If the Mets don't make it then I will pull for the's been 100 years.

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