
If your too picky when it comes to guys meaning looks then will you ever get married?

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or have u been picky about looks and actually found like ur perfect man?




  1. I have an elder sister who has a type A personally. She finish two courses, one is Business Administration and the other is law.

    Sometimes, in our life, we usually miss the boat because we are too ambitious. We want a tex book partner, a perfect partner.

    But, that is a myth. No one is a perfect partner. When you marry, it becomes a teamwork. Patience, perseverance, and love makes a happy family.

    You do not marry someone to manipulate him to your liking; it is two to tango.

    And about looks. I say, the more attractive a man is, both intelligence and good looking, you might end up in the divorce court. Often time, the butting average is that people who posses these qualities tend to be self centered and demanding.

    Think it this way, if you are  attracted to him because of his quality, would it not be possible that other girls also feel the same? And then what if he decide that the other girl is more appropriate for him?

  2. I found the perfect man in looks, though we dated and it turns out he had 2 babymamas and 4 kids plus another on the way. AND wanted me to get pregnant!

    The hottest guy usually knows he's hot, so he probably a man w***e.

  3. Yeah eventually you probably will get married but what kind of marriage will it be if you marry a handsome idiot????

  4. Find a decent looking guy with a good job, good sense of humor and a big fat shhlong, and then get on with your life.

  5. As you mature you realize "looks" are not as important as what is inside the person. I am so glad I realize early and it paved my way for a wonderful marriage. Just like all material &  physcial things in life they will go one day and only

    the spiritual connection will endure the test of time.

    BTW- As you age looks will start to  go and unless you love the person inside your marriage will not survive imho.

  6. I've dated many men in my lifetime, some of them drop dead gorgeous to look at and a couple of butt-ugly ones.  In the end, I've found that the plain old average guys tend to be the best all around.  If appearance is the number one quality that you're using as a basis for finding a suitable mate, you're selling both yourself and your mate short.

  7. Quit being so judgmental, you could have already met the perfect man for you but because your so dead set on physical appearances, you might have passed him up.

  8. It is ok to be picky. But you also must remember that beauty is more on the inside. A pretty person can be just as much a cheater,abuser,user as any not-so-pretty person.  

  9. I am picky about everything regarding the man i will be with.  I refuse to settle for less then what i want or deserve.  Looks However, is not now or will it ever be on the top of my list... and yes i am a very cute lady!

    I have dated the pretty boy... and trust me look are not all that make a man!

  10. there is not good perfect man, you have to sacrafice looks or brains, looks or personality but u never find a man who has everything and on top of all of that money is he cute but broke??? u have to decide whats important

  11. GIRL, BE PICKY! You have every right to be picky about who you're gonna marry or even date! Nothin' wrong with that!

    Now, on the flip side, once you feel like you've made a good match, don't expect perfection. men are human. They s***w up and make mistakes and are even boneheads sometimes, but you have to love them and accept them for who they are a lot of times. But yes, by all means, be picky before you make that final choice!!!

    Then once you've made a choice, love him love him love him for who he is, because you chose him! (within reason of course, barring abuse or something like that!)

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