
If your uncle offerd you a 15 year old carp rod for free would you be happy?

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  1. If it was your Uncles then it must have some sentimental value to him. He maybe offered it to you as a gift because it may be a special rod to him and he wanted you to have it. It may well have been a model that is not made any more and was the top of the line in its day and extremely valuable. Think about it.

    If nothing else, you will think of your Uncle every time you see it or hold it. Even if you never use it, save it. The rod will be value able one day. Memories are worth more than $$$.

  2. anything free is better than nothing...take it.(even if u dont use it) i collect old fishing equipment and actually use the parts off older broken rods and reels to fix new ones

  3. As long as it works it doesn't matter how old it is.

  4. Dude... take anything free, well maybe not an STD xD

    And these people are right, memories are worth more than money... unless it's like 100,00 dollars or something hahaha

  5. Yes, free stuff is ALWAYS good, no exceptions. It would also be extremely rude to turn it down and tell him you think you are too good for such inferior equipment.

  6. Sure would!

    I find a lot of older gear is better than the newer stuff they have now days and like you said the magic word (free)

    If it's free it's for me I always say!

  7. Yes.  The man had the decency to offer it to you and it probably holds some memories to be grateful.

  8. ya definetly if you wournt gratefull u would be selffish

  9. ya, why not

  10. No I would be happy if he had a Seeker black steel  bait rod.

  11. I'd be happy seeing as how he thought of you when giving it away.Many things were built better back then.Not sure how much he used it,but if he used it a lot and still has it to offer then it must be a quality rod.

    Take it with pride,use it as he would,and continue making more memories of your with it.And think about going fishing with him to make a few fishing memories together with it.

    I'm sure he'd be proud to see you use it.Might even bring you a new PB

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