
If your wife is a lawyer and she help you sign a multimillion dollar deal?

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if your wife is a lawyer and she helps you sign a multimillion deal

is she entitle to her legal fees plus half of what the deal is worth?





  1. Yes, business is business.  

  2. to the extent that she is entitled to 50% of your assets at divorce time, you are entitled to 50% of hers.

    actually, you are both entitled to 50% of the total of both of yours.

    but you both would be foolish to engage in such a transaction with clear conflicts of interest.

  3. I would think just her legal fees; but depending on the agreement you made with her concerning giving her half of the deal (even if you made this deal while you were in bed and unwritten,  it could be implied as unwritten agreement and could be binding

    PS: try not to divorce cos whichever way she will be entitled to half cos it was acquire while you were both married. Goodluck!

  4. She is in violation of the Canon of Ethics.

    Ethics require that she not have an interest in the proceedings.  By virtue of being your wife, she has a direct interest in the transaction.

  5. depends on if your lawyer is better than her. but either way you loose

  6. Yes, but you are entitled to half her legal fees

  7. As to her fees, it would depend on the fee arrangement you have with her.  The proceeds of the deal would be considered marital property and subject to equitable division if you divorce.

  8. yes but also it would depend on the arrangement you have with her in regards to her fees.  Also she may say no due to a conflict of interest due to that she is your wife.  For example: my sister is an attorney i can't have her represent me in court on anything due to a conflict of interest.

    good luck

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