
If your wife is disabled that makes it ok to take a mistress doesn't it?

by  |  earlier

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My wife, moo moo lovins', was declared disabled by a doctor last week. She no longer walks because she's balooned to 475lbs. In reality she has been disabled for years, since she does nothing. I figure that makes it morally acceptable to have a mistress or 7. Am I right?




  1. I wonder how many husbands are "disabled down below", but their wives tolerate it....I feel bad for women married to "men" like you.

  2. for better or worse  and remember God is watching. You are truly an idiot. I am so happyto see people that claim they love ewach other watching their mates get to that point and instead of helping them, they do what you want to do...

  3. You and with the help of doctors need to help her get control of her life, either by taking the risk and doing the gastric bypass surgery or something else with a nutritionist. Overeating can be a disease and she needs hep to overcome it. Seeking s*x outside of marriage is not going to solve your problems.  

  4. no

  5. A trust fund and social security...d**n...hog is rollin in the dough!  I have to tell ya though...your wife has surpassed my ex-husband's weight and I left him...I bet if you played your cards right you could get alimony.  But you'd have to hide all the evidence of your mistresses.  

  6. Yup it is, grab hold of your wife and pretend she is 7 women. *** hole

  7. you really like to use moo mooos in your questions don't you?  LMAO you are such a faker I bet you laugh everytime you p**s someone off.  

  8. No it isn't perhaps you should divorce her though if you want someone else.  

  9. 475 lbs? even if she wasn't declared disabled, it's a h**l yeah!

    Subtract your weight from hers and that's the max. weight you are allowed on the mistress.

    Seriously, it's written right here in the man's law book!

  10. There is no acceptable reason in my book for a mistress.  So my answer would be NO you are wrong.

  11. I think 7 may be pushing it.  I think you should go with maybe 5 or 6 haha.  Or grab ahold of her and think of her as a couple different people.  

  12. Divorce her!!! or something don't shame her by taking a mistress! No wonder she is hating life and eating all the time. She is obviously not happy you need to talk to her and see what you can do to help her take control of this situation and get better.

  13. Frank N' Beans!

  14. Hahaha Frank you're such a putz.  By the way, I'm disabled!  My husband better not have a mistress or I'll castrate him. ;)

    And no, it's only acceptable to have 6 mistresses.  7 is pushing the limit too far.  Don't get greedy.

    EDIT:  I'm not in a wheelchair or anything -- just have a disability that causes me to be in pain all the time and makes it difficult to do things some days.  That's all!

  15. Why would you take a mistress?  Why not just divorce her?

  16. No, it makes you a jerk who is trying to justify immoral actions by blaming her.  You are also trolling....shame on you.

  17. NO!!!  How dare you!! If you are now unhappy in your marriage because your wife has stopped taking care of herself, you need to figure out if you need to move on. File divorce, move out, and move on with your life. Don't put her through the heartache of an unfaithful spouse. Did she "balloon up" because of a medical condition, or just over eating and not exercising? If it's her lack of commitment to her health, then I would say move on. If she is generally sick, stick by her side. But by the sounds of it, you don't love her, so ... move on. leave her and get on with your life, and she can get on with hers, and she can find somebody that truly loves her.

  18. Absolutely !

  19. WTF is wrong with yOU!

  20. are you mad????? how can you call your self her husband even self a man for that matter? how could you even think that... committing adultery seems right to you?? if u were disabled would you like your wife to cheat on you? ask yourself that before you do anything stupid..... you should be ashamed...........

  21. u just love to make ppl mad dont ya??? does it get u off??? i bet it does  

  22. At LEAST 7!!  You deserve to be happy!!!!!  

  23. Totally fine.  

  24. no . because she stayed with you even thought you are mentally unstable .  

  25. Well she's clearly mentally disabled for allowing herself to become so unsightly.

  26. No you sicko! It's wrong!

  27. As a man you need no justification for keeping a mistress, its your right as a man... WTF is wrong with you?

  28. Sure if you want to go to h**l. Maybe she got that way because of you. It sounds like you are a selfish mentally abusive person.  

  29. Frank,

    I have read many of your so called questions and most are demoralizing to say the least. With no regard of the differences in the human species. Making jokes at other peoples expense isn't funny or even good satire. Your following must be of the same thought as you, that to bring others misfortune into a question in the guise of your life  is "okay". You must have huge self esteem issues. There are many people like your so called wife, and many who are disabled. To get a laugh at some body's else burden, disease, or life problems is sick. I am wondering have you spent to much time adoring yourself? I can tell you now, if you speak like this in your home, a wife you do not have. This must be the only reason you have such issues and question when it comes to affairs and mistress, and women. You may have a blow up doll that your deranged mine believes is a wife. So seek a Doctor, please you need some help. There are good ones for people like you at your local free clinic. Since another insecurity of yours is money.

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