
If your wife tries to give you the silent treatment what do you do?

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She is angry and so she stops talking to you.

How do you make her talk? shake her until she talks?

best easy solution gets 10 pts.




  1. Look for most simple solution in every situation and in this one "I am sorry, when you ready let's talk" is enough. Believe it or not but  not every husband is able to do it. In such a case a T-shirt with huge letters saying the same should be ready  so appointing them with nice smile may work even better. What's worth to remember is that such a T-shirt may serve you many a times.

    Always remember, she is not a little girl, she has her reason. She feels maybe hurt, sad, stressed, frustrated, cheated and so go on. The mores serious reason is, the nicer behavior from your side should be. Be patient, nice, apologize, wait until she come around and do not repeat your mistake. All of this advices concern normal, healthy marriage.

    If you hurt her to much and are now looking for support - forget it. Otherwise good luck!

  2. Simple.  APOLOGIZE.  It works wonders.

  3. Leave her alone...when someone is silent and angry, provoking them to talk may lead them to say something they may later regret. Let her alone for a while, then ask her non-confrontationally to let you know when she is ready to talk about what happened and wait for her to get back to you. I've found this helps (I'm usually the one giving the silent treatment because I speak first then regret later when mad).

  4. "Enjoy it". Relish in the peace and quiet. That's what I do.  

  5. My hubby will ask me stupid every day questions that he knows I will answer. Like "Did the kids have carrots for lunch?" Ask me a couple more of the dumb questions then he will flip it and start talking about something he knows that I'm interested in.   He wins almost every time. Now when I'm really mad I will call him at his game and then he usually leaves me alone.  He will try it again in about an hour.

    Hope I have helped

    Good luck

  6. I talk about her mother.

  7. I (shamefully admit) have done the silent treatment on my husband.  He simply does not interrupt me while I'm in that mood.

    I brood over what is bothering me, until I feel silly and stupid and talk again.

    Eventually she'll talk to you and let you know what's wrong, I always do to my husband.  I would rather that he didn't ask at the instant he sees something wrong, because the reason I'm silent is because I don't want to blow up his face.

    Women need time to think, and to make sense of their feelings with the logical part of their brain.  When the silence goes on for a whole day, while she's lying in bed.  You let her know you are ready to listen if she needs to talk.  Let her know that you can't help if you don't know what's wrong and that you feel it's your job to have a happy wife.

    Happy wife means happy life - doesn't it fellas?

  8. If she's the type of person who shuts down when their upset there isn't anything you can do,just wait until she's calm enough to start talking

  9. Bed can solve all problems

  10. apologize...thats all we want to hear..and be serious about it, dont do one of those.."fine, im sorry..whatever" things!

  11. My husband and I have been butting heads for 13 years.  He has learned to stop the fighting by smiling at me.  At first it was irritating to me, but now I know that he's trying to stop the fights.  If we argue, before walking away from the situation, he now turns around and smiles and I know that's his way to stop the fighting.  I give in and understand he's making an effort.  It makes our fights alot shorter.  It doesn't solve the problems associated with the fight, but it stops you both from being mean to each other.  If you cheated on her, no smiling is going to help.

  12. let her cool down 1st then try to talk to her about something she may be interested in.if she wont respond try again,say crack a joke if she likes them when not in a bad mood.if nothing works,try asking her,"is this the way it will be all night?you being S****y with me?" in a firm but calm voice.see what will happen.

  13. I'm guessing she's wanting you to ask her what's wrong. Have you gently approached her? Ask her what's bothering her? Was it something I said or did? Let her know you are aware that something is wrong, and your'e concerned. Women just like a little sympathy.  

  14. Just rejoice in the silence.  I just let mine be silent, and I go enjoy the TV in peace.  

  15. l too do that thing. Just give her a few days to think about the problem, if she is angry just leave her, few days of silence will make her calm down and think better. lt is just our (women's) way of stopping bigger arguments. You should beware if she starts talking, because she will not stop unearthing all your mistakes and shortcomings.  

  16. If I am giving the silent treatment I would love my husband if he would come to me with an apology and to honestly want to work things out.  Flowers and a dinner out would not help either.

  17. The thing about the silent treatment is that its childish and manipulation. My suggestion is don't fall for it. Just go along with your day as if everything is alright. I know that in the house when one isn't talking the air is tight. But if you fall for it your letting her have her way and be in control and basically your telling her its alright to do this.

    The best way to handle it is when she is ready to talk she will. The thing is the silence will drive her crazy.

  18. Very easy, just buy her dinner/lunch/breakfast you know and make her hot coffee/tea it works for me, good luck.

  19. give silent treatment back.

    get a knife. threaten to suicide(act lugubrious)

  20. If she gives you the silent treatment, don't say anything ignore her presence, I bet she'll start talking then. She only does it for attention!

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