
If your wife will tell you that out of the 4 children she has for you only 1 is yr true child: what wld you do

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This is a true life story, but people may not belief. What would you do if you're the man?




  1. kick her lying butt the curb and find a real good lawyer.

  2. Establish paternity. File divorce papers.

  3. All depends on how you feel about this.  She has cheated several time on you and has the children to show it.  I would have a DNA test done on all 4 to make sure she is right.  She may be wrong about this.  Does she have any idea who the fathers are?

    I would not be able to trust her again but that is me.  She must be unhappy if she has been cheating.

    You need to decide if you are willing to stay with her if you want to.  Does she want to stay with you?

  4. you should get a d.n.a test done to find out for yourself and then if what she says is true then divorce her because what she did is VERY VERY bad so take all this dna tests and everything you have to divorce court you might be able to keep your child and she will have to pay YOU child support since only 1 is yours... so anyway good luck buddy.. you must be in traumatic shock

  5. well, dont kill her cause as much as your probably mad at her, your children will grow up without a mother AND a father, cause you'd be in prison.  Get a paternity test, divorce her, and you'll only have to pay child support for the child thats yours.  But whatever you do, dont take it out on the other children.  Its not their fault.  Try to be as civil to the children as you can, for you are the only father they have known.

  6. Probably kill her in a fit of rage.

  7. one side of the discussion is easy but the other side (kids) is what makes this the problem- once again the kids suffer and most likely as a result of this , their futures also = b>tch

  8. get a paternity test done on all of them or the one that she says is yours. then go from there.

  9. slap the h**l out of her and leave

  10. never would have quessed 3 werent yours...pretty stupid.File for divorce and pay just for only 1 .

  11. Divorce her

    The children may not be mine biologically but i am the only dad they know and i would love them. I would continue to support them.

    Also legally if you are married to the mother at the time of birth you are considered to be the father and you have to pay support if you divorce so even if you did not feel like you should you will have to

  12. i am disgusted!!!!! get all kids tested, slap her stupid. I would say take the one child that is yours but that could be horrible for the other 3, and really its not their fault. So please dont treat them like its their fault and also if you hang around or have regular visits dont single out your child. I feel for u but also the kids involves. the mother is f*******.

    Good luck

  13. I'd go for paternity testing to be sure and then I'd divorce her and continue to be the parent of all 4 children because it's not their fault their mother is an idiot.

  14. get a test done to see if the one was mine also.  not as much child support when they separate

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