
If your win the Big lotto 100000 will you give too the poor or spend it for your self?

by Guest58625  |  earlier

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Jus want too know




  1. Just by playing the lotto you are giving to the school system so I wouldn't feel any obligation to give to the poor, especially with that amount.  If you really feel the need to give some away, as I'm sure I would too, give to to an no-kill animal shelter or someone needy out of country but I would be carefull cuz maybe 5 cents on the dollar probably would actually get to them.  America has it rigged up so even if you are an idiot you can live decent here.  Only the complete morons who have some sort of addiction seem to be poor.  Addictions include drug, pills, s*x, video games, booze, ect.  So don't be fooled if they don't stink of booze or have powder on their nose.

  2. I would donate some to a good cause and save/spend the rest for myself

  3. Invest enough to live off then travel the world and give it to the poor directly and not through an organised Charity.

  4. i would give the money  to the pour.

  5. half and half♥

  6. i would give 30,000 to the poor.

  7. One hundred grand is nothing in this day and age.  By the time you get taxed you'll be lucky to end up with $65,000.  For most people that would pay down a mortgage or pay off other debt.  It's hardly life changing.  It would be nice, but certainly not enough to go around giving to the poor.

    Most people who own a home owe more than that on it, so most people would still owe money even after this win.

  8. I would take care of my family first but than I would give some to charity.

  9. Put 2/3 in the bank, then donate half the rest and use the remaining money on myself.

  10. I would Spend it on myself!! I could spend that in 1 minute.. If I won like 300 million then I would use it for some charity

  11. That little money?  only myself, nobody has ever helped me with anything.

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