
If you’re an AUSSIE MAN, please answer this: Are most Australian men circumcised or uncircumcised?

by Guest57087  |  earlier

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I know that circumcision rates in Australia have gone down significantly over the past few years, so I’m conducting a survey for my Ethics class on how different generations of people many times have differing views on certain subjects – in this case circumcision.

For the results to be accurate results, I need anyone interested in answering to state their age, whether they are circumcised or uncircumcised, and whether they think most Australian males today are cut or uncut.

Thanks for your help!




  1. Austrialian men, like most European men (I know Austrialia is not geographically in Europe, however, it is still culturally part of the west), tend to be uncirumcised as a majority.

    I dont even know where you would find statistics.  Google it.

  2. I'm an Aussie; 16, and uncut.

  3. Without getting into a debate of the value of circumcision, the majority of Australians tend not to be circumcised.  I read for a while a majority was, but currenlty, it is not.  Most Australians who are circumcised do so for religious or social reasons.

  4. My hubby is 32 and cut

  5. I'm in my 50s, Australian & cut. 90% of boys in my school were cut when I was a kid but I had close friends who were intact. I envied them. Most Australian males over 35 are cut and most under 30 are intact. I guess the overal proportion is about half.

  6. If you want some more input besides Yahoo answers.  You could join these two groups:

    Between these two groups.  there are over 2000 members circumcised as adults.  

    inter-circ has two moderators who are australian.  and circlist also has  a sizeable Aussie membership.  Post your question on these two groups.  im sure you will get some answers.

    im not australian so im not sure.

  7. dont know. but i do know that i dated an aussie and he was uncircumsized

  8. im a girl - but im speaking for the aussie guys

    (lol, i just do know, ok?? ;))

    almost none under the age of 20 are circumcised. Only a few i know - 1 actually, are circumcised.

    ...hmmm ... lol this probably wont help anyway, sorry lol

  9. im cut. but i lived in another country (even tho i was born here) wen it was done.

  10. I'm circumsised I still havent asked my parents why but I think its got to do with religion (Christian)

  11. Aussie...born in another country... cut and 21  

  12. Hi,I am an Aussie born in 1952 and it was part of life to be cut within days of being born.The good old Fire mans Helmet.

  13. I'm 21 and Aussie and uncut

  14. It will be age related.

    I would say those born in the 60's or before, then more yes than no.  I think it started decreasing in the 70's and now it's not really done much.

  15. might be of relvance, and news to others

    non-therapeutic circumcision is banned in state hospitals in Australia

  16. Circumcision rates are lower now since the onset of the national health program which does not cover the cost unless it is a medical necessity.  

  17. Well I ain't ashamed.

    I'm 28, Australian and cut.

    I think up until about 10-12 yrs ago they stopped circumcision in most Australian hospitals cos it was "natural" tho I believe in all honesty it is healthier for the fact of cleaning and such. Tho many will debate this and give me the odd thumbs down (which they're well within their right) it's a debate that will never cease as to whether it's a good or bad thing cos there are so many different theories out there. They think that because men get cut they lose sensitivity because they don't have the extra "dangly bit" but I prefer to be circumcised as opposed to be not and I have 2 boys aged 2 and 4 who I did get done privately for the health reason. Where as my partner has 5 boys and only 1 out of the 5 is done for medical reasons.

    So basically, it's a parents choice as to whether to keep it or not.

    And people my age and older i believe the ration could possibly be 75% cut to 25% uncut (my thinking) where as people younger more so 75% not cut and 25% cut

  18. Since this refers to an ethics class, I propose the following:

    Circumcision, whether perpetrated on males or females is genital mutilation.     Circumcision damages and scars the genitals and affects sexual sensitivity and ability.

    Infant circumcision is infant sexual abuse, and a violation of the basic human right to a whole and intact body.

    Try putting THAT before your ethics class!!

  19. I think on guys alive at the moment it is about 50-50. Not by choice though, it used to be forced upon them.

    They haven't done it like for 30 years or more. Most guys aren't done. I've never slept with a circumcised one, they are rare in my age group. I don't know anyone who's done it to their kids either.

  20. I'm not Australian, but I do know that the latest statistics show 13% of newborn boys are circumcised there.

    Circumcision is no longer provided in public hospitals in NSW, Tasmania, WA, SA and Vic, unless for medical requirement.

  21. The stats I've read say about 50% of living males are circumcised and that's mostly those who were born around the 1960s when it was done routinely at birth. Only 10% are circumcised currently as there was a big shift in opinion and it is now not recommended by doctors and most people are against it and doctors refusing to do it. I'm a young Australian and most guys in my age group aren't circumcised, my boyfriend isn't either. Circumcision on a baby is unnecessary and cruel and I wouldn't do it if I had a son.


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