
If yuh had to choose......?

by  |  earlier

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Between ah ugly but rich or ah beautiful/s**y but poor man/woman. Who yuh going with??

Now when ah say ugly ah eh mean "just not good looking" eh, ah mean fu*king ugly (fugly) or in other words "hard on the eyes".

And when ah say poor ah mean they ha tuh burrow money from ants to survive. Tell meh.




  1. IDK- thats pretty tough to choose.

  2. whichever one dat loves me the most :-)

    borrow money from ants to survive! lol!!

    but seriously, ill take beautiful, thank u, cuz most likely the filthy rich one go be a real a$$...

  3. <-------- would chose the one that she was in love with and loved her in return - whichever that one is out of your two scenarios or his brother if he was a nicer person hehehe

  4. i would go with the good looking poor man.

    because he could still get an education and earn from it.

    plus, i wouldn't want fugly kids.

  5. Ugly and Rich anyday!

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!  I like a guy because of his pesonality and other traits.  Yes the possibilty exist that your kids may look like the not-so-handsome-parent, but at least you will have tons of money for corrective procedures if necessary.

  6. It all have to boil down to happiness for does not matter I have to be it can go either way by me as long as the person have a good heart...thers an old saying that say "Your face is the mirror of your heart"

  7. tuff one, i will go with the one dat love me unconditionally, i will return the love.

  8. I agree with Jon.

  9. now if he filthy rich and have the personality of most fugly people (fun loving, outgoing, pleasant etc) den give me d fugly man any day.

    Me ent trust beautiful/s**y people....they tend to be sooo full of themselves cause every one is always telling them about their look, an think that looks will take them EVERYWHERE.  

    Gimme d fugly man every day....plastic surgery will fix most things. lol.  but seriously, most people who are facially challenged have a personality that makes you forget about their looks. so, you can keep yuh s**y man. i good.

  10. I'm not shallow enoght to answer this question, Its all about personality.

  11. Not that i have anyhting against ugly people eh or rich people but dread if yuh done Fugly and i have to wake in de morning EVERY morning no amount ah money go fix dat.

    Now if de woman beautiful.....  she go look even better under pitchoil lamp light.

    But wait is ah kind ah Shrek ting yuh trying on we ah wha ?

  12. I can't answer....ah still laughin' at Julien's reply. LOL

  13. beautiful but poor. they could become a model

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