
If zombies invaded the earth what will you do?

by  |  earlier

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i am really curious and this question was really bugging me so please answer




  1. Probably freak out and hide in my closet with a baseball bat, crying.

  2. Go to super market.

    Lock self in w/other survivors.

    Shop= best place in world to survive.

  3. Chop their ugly heads off...what would you do?

  4. become king zombie and rule the world with my harem of hot zombie super models...... they smell like rotten beef but man they're hot!


  6. you haven't got your back up plans made??

    i suggest you read the 'zombie survival guide'

    it's my bible, tells you evrything you need to know!!!

    good luck

  7. I would stock up on ammo and guns so I could blow their heads off!

  8. shoot them in the head.

  9. think it was pretty d**n cool.  xD

    I would try to create group..and form a small town without zombies...and if they broke in..and started to take over....oh well. If you cant beat em..join em ^^

  10. Move to Antartica where they can't get me!

  11. Move to a tiny little island in the middle on the ocean with food and fresh water,and a jet pack

  12. stock up on guns and ammo, get a couple of great swords and steal a Big Rig full of gasoline.

    Then I'll set up on a supermarket and have at the zombies with a sniper rifle.

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