
Ignorance is bliss isn't it?

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I met this band back in May.

I thought both the lead and back up singer were good looking. When the back-up singer paid attention to me, I was more attracted to him.

We've been texting and I was so sure that he really liked me back.

Tonight, I found out he is a total player and has a gf.

Naturally, im bummed.

The lead singer is really sweet and after tonight im finding him more and more attractive overall, like on every level.

According to his friends he is sweeter and not a player and not an a- hole like the back-up singer was called.

I still really bummed but I want to let the lead guy know how I feel.

Ah, im just so torn, I just want to pretend like I heard nothing.

I really liked him, a lot.

After everything I like the better guy more but I just wish the back-up singer wasn't a player and was single.

What would you go in this situation?




  1. It reads like you don't even know him.

  2. Sounds to me like you're just getting yourself into whichever one you think will be more likely to have you.

    Doesn't sound like you have legitimate feelings for either of them.

    If you just wanna sleep with him then go right ahead but I don't think there's anything more than that to it...

  3. I agree with the first two answers. It doesn't seem like you even really like these boys. You 'liked' the first boy because you though he liked you. Now you 'like' the second boy, because the first boy wont have you.

    I think you should just be friends with them instead of trying to worry about who to like. Liking someone like that should be a natural thing. Don't force yourself into feeling something for the other guy.


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