
Ignorant about football?

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Where can I find a book or video or something that explains football to me? (Tried "Football For Dummies" and I was too dumb for it.




  1. You can go to the library, or amazon,

    But if you have a matewho knows about the game, it's probably,(and noyhing compares to) best if you have it explained to you.

    Get a friend to record a game and sit down with the pause and rewind and ask away, ask any male who follows and I'm sure they'd put their hand up instantly to let you know!  (I'm just spitballing, but I think it could be their sweet ego's that are involved).

  2. probably the best way to learn is to go to a couple of games with someone who knows their stuff but if you are not in that position you could give this link ago its quite basic hope it helps

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