
Iguazu Fall!!!????????????

by Guest57989  |  earlier

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i may be going to Iguaza Fall, which is in South America. i have been to South America before. But i only like city and in Iguazu Fall its jungle. Is there anything i should be aware of when i go?




  1. Iguazu Falls is one of the top destinations in South America. Taller than Niagara Falls, the water level rises and falls with the season. Hence, the best times to see Iguazu Falls are in the spring and fall. Summer is intensely tropically hot and humid, and in winter the water level is considerably lower.

    Avoid Iguassu Falls during the drought season, from June to September, as the falls will not be so great. Best season to go is from April to October or November, excluding Easter, when prices are ski-high.

    Try to arrive early in the morning to avoid the crush of tour buses.

    Take preventive steps for your equipments and clothes when you reached in the range of the spray from the falls.

    Take proper precautions and vaccines to avoid malaria and other humid climate diseases.

    Try to pay attention while traveling, sometimes some rowdy people can want to take advantage of you.

    I also invite you to visit my country India for white water rafting tours.

    Visit my site: to know more about the trip. Here you can enjoy Brahmaputra River Rafting, Zanskar River Rafting etc.

    Good luck for your trip!!!!

  2. Iguazu Falls is a gorgeous area of the Argentina/Brazil, and you'll be really glad you saw it. I spent about 4 days (a really long time, 2 days should be sufficient) at the falls, and enjoyed myself a lot. You can view the falls from both the Argentina and the Brazilian side.

    First, if you plan on going in from the Brazilian side, check on visas. I had to have a visa to get into Brazil, but it may depend on how long you'll be in the country. Argentina didn't require one (for Americans). If you are going for an overall idea of the size, the Brazilian side is probably better. You can get a great panoramic view, but you won't get really close to all of the falls.

    If you only spend one day there, I'd go in from the Argentinian side, as you can get really close to all of the falls and take some up-close-and-personal shots. Also, they offer boat rides, which I would definitely do. The free one was sufficient for me, as it took us over to this small island, where you are literally surrounded by the falls. They also have boat tours you can pay for that take you up next to the falls as well, I think. From the Argentina side you can walk a platform out to the middle of the river where the falls start and get a great idea of  how huge the falls really are.

    Be sure to take either a waterproof case for your camera or a disposable camera, so you don't ruin good equipment. Also, make sure you wear clothes that can get wet. You will get wet. Of course, be sure to get vaccines (yellow fever & typhoid, probably some malaria pills too). I didn't do anything about malaria, but didn't have any isses with mosquitos either.

    Good luck, and enjoy! Iguazu is an incredibly example of God's creation!

  3. You'll have to protect yourself really well against mosquitoes and other insects of the Amazon. Its really dangerous for your body if you go without any mosquito or insect repellants, which will protect you really well. And at the same time, don't forget to apply any mosquito/insect repellant ointments on any expoosed parts of your skin before travelling to Iguazu Falls. All the best on your journey!

  4. be careful!!!...the iguazu fall are sahred by argentina and brazil, if you go to Argentina it's ok, but if you go to brazil you should ask if you need sth. 'couse there was a problem with ''yellow fever'' in the north of brazil, not south, careful

  5. Bring the best mosquito repellent money can buy. Or youll need a transfusion later.

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