
Ihave Window Vista Basic, is there anyway i can make my computer go faster?

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Ihave Window Vista Basic, is there anyway i can make my computer go faster?




  1. Hello!

    To start with, talk with a local computer professional, and see what kind of Memory (RAM) your computer is compatible with. Ask him/her if they can put more in for you. This is an inexpensive way to speed up your computer.

    If this does not help much, check how many programs are setup to start when you log in, if there are many that you do not need, try removing them. If you are unable to do this yourself, ask a computer professional for help.

    Another thing that you can do, is defragment your hard drive. This basically rearranges files on your hard drive and indexes them so that your computer can find them faster, making your computer run much faster. Once again, if you are unsure of how to do this, consult a local computer professional.

    Run disk cleanup. This will help you remove unused and unnecessary files from your hard drive, freeing up space on your drive, and allowing more space for your computer's pagefile, which acts as Memory (RAM). Again, If unsure how to do this, consult a local computer professional.

    Get a faster CPU/Processor. This will help your computer do everything much faster, and help it process things more efficiently. Consult a local computer professional for help with choosing the right CPU for your computer, and have him/her install it for you.

    Good Luck!

    KJB Technologies

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