
Ihave a snake A Royal Python also known as a ball python

by Guest60007  |  earlier

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I need some advice i have a snake its a royal python also known as a ball python and i dont know what type of ground i should give him someone suggested gravel is that the best thing please help




  1. The most sterile substrates you can use are paper towels or newspaper. These are not very attractive but easy to keep clean. If you go this route I would place some moist (but not soaked) moss bedding in the hide box to keep humidity levels up.  A nicer looking alternative is something called coco-bedding, which is shredded coconut husks. The advantage is that this substrate holds moisture well and is more natural looking, but needs to be cleaned/replaced often as it also soaks up urine.

  2. Use a cypress or aspen substrate, not gravel, and never ever cedar. Ball pythons like to burrow. Make sure you provide at least two hides, as well, one on the cool side of the cage, preferably with some moist moss, and another on the warm side, along with a water dish big enough for it to soak (it is normal for them to burrow under the water dish). I suggest using an under the tank heat mat, with cage carpet over it on the other side of the glass, (and only glass since heat mats can melt acrylic, causing deadly fumes for you and your snake)  and substrate to cover it. Have the mat connected to a thermostat, so it regulates temperature to be around 85 on the warm side. Putting the reptile carpet down on the glass keeps not only keeps your reptile from burrowing and having direct contact to the hot glass, but also can prevent the glass from cracking if water gets spilled. Also, buy a bottle to mist the cage at least once a day. Something for it to climb on would be nice too.

    NEVER cage a snake in nothing or just reptile carpet, as they do not have a feeling of security, and may get urine burns. NEVER place a heat rock, since heat rocks are notorious to burn reptiles since the the rock does not give off radiant heat to warm an area of the cage. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, NEVER FEED IT IN THE CAGE IT LIVES IN!!!!! Use another tank or a cardboard box.

  3. well it really wont make a huge diffrence but the best would be like wood chips cause they are more known in the forest so thats the best

  4. I had a friend who had a BULL python (not very large) who just had a glass cage and a warm rock.

  5. At the nature center that I work at, we use reptile carpets.  You can get them from a pet supplier, or can purchase some astro-turf like material from a home store and then cut it to size.  Our snake has thrived on this material, and it is inexpensive and easy to keep clean.

  6. ok i have one 2 i use zoo med cocunut fiber she is in a 20gallon tank and is fed 2fuzzys or one mouse so remember DONT USE CEDER but i strongly suggest cocunt fiber that come in bricks and u soke the  bricks for 30mins and its awsome it keeps odor away and its 3dollars for 3bricks also it keeps humidity

  7. Gravel is good for some snakes but not Royal pythons, they like to burrow. I have used paper towels. with aspen and this worked great.

  8. I have bedding. I had a carpet thing... it did not work. when he would waste... it stunk so bad! I could not handle it. so i decided to try the bedding. If you go to the reptile store and ask them where the snake bedding is... the should know what you are talking about. Snake bedding is NEVER the same thing used for hamsters. So... if he leads you to the hamster aisle... tell him that you want REPTILE bedding... not hamster bedding!

    Better yet... leave the store and head to a reptile store! they know what they are talking about!  

  9. i use aspen bedding

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