
Ihave both male and female cockatiels and they both whistle and its very anoying someties how doi makeit stop?

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like there right behing my computer and its just really anoying sometimes and i want a way to make it stop (no covering them up does not work)




  1. There is nothing you can do about them from whisting. Once they hear something they like the sound of they will continue to mimic it..I'm afraid the only answers are to either put them into another room when you are at your computer, or give them to a nice home that will understand about the nature of the cockatiel. Good luck in what ever your decision may be.

  2. Spend a few weeks with a cockatoo, then your little birdie's chirps will sound like heaven to your ears.

  3. Please find another home for the birds as soon as possible.  Someone will love them just as they are.

    Then buy a fancy toy bird to keep by the computer.

    Then learn to spell.  It is 'annoying'.

  4. The noises are their way of communicating.  You need to understand that.  Hitting their cage is a form of abuse.  This needs to stop.  

  5. Cockatiels whistle- its what they do.  It means they are healthy and happy.  And if they do it even more when you are around, it means they are happy to see you.

    If they bother you that much, you'll want to consider finding them a new home.  It is not a bad habit you need to 'break' them of.

  6. Birds are vocal and they need to get it out of their systems. There are certain parts of the day that your birds will defiantly vocalize. Consider wearing headphones when on the computer. Vocalizing is natural. Either deal with it or give them away to a good home.

  7. If you want them to act in a different way you have to persuade them.  My birds only fuss when there're wanting something (usually attention), food, bedtime, quiet while they're trying to sleep or to be uncovered in the morning.  Distractions like toys work, too.

    Birds are by nature so free that they can''t and shouldn't be forced to do anything they don't naturally want to.  That's what makes a bird, along with it's intelligence, that makes people want to care for them.  Accept the birds for what they are and not what you wished they'd be.

    Fish, on the otherhand, are perfect for being silently nearby.  But you wouldn't expect the fish to whistle and hang from the top of the aquarium or talk would you ?  Same idea.

  8. its natural. you cant do anything!

  9. oh yea

    hitting their cage is just what you should do if you want to make it worse and scare them half to death.

    grow up, its a bird! thats what birds do

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