
Ihave false teeth and one tooth fell out. How can i get it to stay in untill i go to the dentist.?

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Ihave false teeth and one tooth fell out. How can i get it to stay in untill i go to the dentist.?




  1. If you want the dentist to repair it properly then you cannot do anything but wait. Dentures are very expensive to chance getting the tooth positioned wrong.  I had a tooth fall off my temporaries before I got my permanent teeth made and the dentist used a product that smelled very similar to artificial finger nail glue but it is sterilized. He did it correctly since he is a professional. I wouldn't want to chance the tooth being crooked. I don't think once the tooth is in place that you can get it out. The dentist may not even charge you anything to glue it back in. Mine didn't.

  2. There are kits you can buy at the drug store, but I would not recommend them. They can be tricky to work with for those not used to handling the materials. I would wait until it can be repaired correctly.  

  3. If it was a tooth that's in the way back, I wouldn't worry about it, maybe keep the tooth and a plastic baggy until you go to the dentist.

    If the tooth was in the front, I would go to a metical store and look for a product there.


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