
Ii can still not get my overhand serve over the net , and almost everyone in my grade can , what should i do?

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I am in 7th grade , and im 12 years old. I didnt make the volleyball team cause i couldnt get my serve over.almost everyone in my grade can , and its really annoying. I feel like i am horrible at volleyball.




  1. Try doing underhand serves instead, and practice overhand serves againt a wall whenever you get the chance.

  2. Hey you are still young and your power will come. First work on your form and then when you start getting more powerful you will start serving better. When I started I couldn't verhand serve, but now I jump serve consitantly because I paid attention to form. I play varsity and I've seen a few people serve underhand (but tough), so don't give up. Your are NOT horrible at volleyball just because you can't serve yet... keep practicing. Best of Luck!

  3. Ok sweetie. First off, if you feel like you are horrible at volleyball then you will be horrible.  You have to keep a positive attitude to be good IMO.  Serving is something that you have to do over and over again to get good at.  It will not just happen immediately.  Practice, Practice and then do more Practicing.  If you have a volleyball at home practice your steps and hitting against the wall.  Eventually you will become better at it and then you will make the team next year.  IMO I dont think they should have a try out for so young of an age.  Everybody who joins should be able to play.  Just remember to have confidence in yourself and practice and you will definetely be better in the long run ok.

  4. Just remember a lot of strength comes from your legs too - not just your arm.  Make sure your toss is a good heigh and follow through with your hips.  I couldn't get a serve over the net either until later in high school.

  5. What you've got to learn is that volleyball is a very mental game.  Because there is no direct interaction with the other team you could beat yourself before the other team even gets the ball to serve.  I'd say at that level just do whatever works in games and use practices to improve on things.  Try stepping back from the baseline and stepping into your serve.  That way all the power isn't going to have to come from your arm swing.  Another tip may be to stand in the middle of the baseline.  That way there is less of a chance of the ball being sent out of bounds.

  6. that's OK , I'm a freshmen in high school and i made the varsity team and i still cant get my overhand over, but am contently  practicing.  just keep practicing always be asking for help from someone who can get an overhand over. yay 2 point!

  7. Youre not horrible just practice a little more and next year u might

  8. practice! practice practice practice! You're not horrible at it, if you just practice you'll get it. good luck!

  9. I agree with Jaitothak I to played but just in high school. I did the ball against the wall deal and it works it strengthens your arm and the power of the sever. My sever as they would call it was a skimmer meaning it just barely would clear the net so close that the other team would usually call net be for it even got there and it traveled at a speed that no one could hardly get it under control to return. If you want to try the wall you should stand back about 6 to 8 feet the hit the ball to were it rebounds to you in the air, it should hit the wall first then the ground then it comes to you and you do this till can control the speed and you can aim it were you want it to go. You'll need to keep moving back from the wall the better you get at it. And don't ever be ashamed that you didn't make the team at least you went out there and you tried.

  10. aww its going to be okay! your not bad but if you keep telling yourself you are then you will be. i'm pretty sure if you keep working at your serve you'll get it. try not to swing your arms too much or throw the ball so high. practice putting one foot in front of you. (mostly the right one.) try a lower toss. maybe ask your friends who can serve overhand to show you how they do it..or ask the coach. i ALWAYS ask questions and belive me, it pays off! =]

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