
Ill be in Costa Rica from April 25-28...only for the weekend.....would if be difficult to find some weed?

by  |  earlier

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only for the weekend....I actually have a medical card, but I know it wouldnt apply outside of California




  1. You can find weed anywhere in Costa Rica, in some beaches they will offer u the stuff without you even asking for it so go figure...Puerto Viejo at the Caribbean coast or Tamarindo at the pacific coast are two beaches where u will easily find some weed, just wait until they show u the stuff to give out the money u know, if the dealer tells u give me the money and I'll be right back with the pot, be aware, he probably won't return...dealers usually hang around next to the crowded bars or local hot spots...

  2. it'll be easy if you;re going to jaco!

  3. in Costa Rica it is very easy to get weed, there is no low against having 1 or two cigars with you, there is death penalty for no crime in this country.

    you will run into troubles if they got you selling weed or with a tone of it,

    one or two joins will be no problem basically will will find weed all over Costa Rica, specially down at the Caribbean side Limon

  4. First of all, CR does not have a death penalty, 2nd you can find it easily but tourist can get ripped off easily so if you pay the same price that you pay in the states for it your getting ripped off. Youll make some friends when you get there just ask around. Its worst getting caught with it in US than in CR believe me.

  5. don't do weed.

  6. in central america they usually jail people for an incredible amount of time, i've also heard a lot of countries down there will sentence you to death if you are caught buying or selling any drugs.

    be wary of locals that seem willing to sell anything to you... usually they will sell drugs to tourists, then turn them in to authorities because they will get a reward for it.

    so pretty much i recommend just taking a break for 3 days. i mean seriously its not that big of a deal... just have fun and smoke when you get back to CA.

  7. Probably from an under cover cop then jail time for a long time............don't be stupid.............

  8. u really should not ask this as well, look at the answers u get

    sorry i side with them!!!!

    dont do weed and jailling!!!

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