
Ill effects of <span title="t20........................?">t20.........................</span>

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The ICC is thinking abt cutting short 50 over version to 40 overs or 2 innings of T20....................

in order to help test cricket........I feel this Idea is quite weird........

comments on this proposal?........your opinion does matter..




  1. NO i think all is going f9

  2. i think it is cool.they should lesin it up 50 over is too much

  3. NO,no,no! Just another cringe making decision from the brain dead at ICC, heavily influenced by BCCI.


  5. d**n.......just killing the essence of cricket. It&#039;s the same thing where people don&#039;t cook food and want to just buy packaged food. Cricket already has a good mix of the old and new with the T20 version, why bastardize it further?

    Besides, who cares about popularizing it all over the world? Why is it needed? It&#039;s good the way it is, and if other countries wanna play it, they should accept it that way.

    It&#039;s been played for more than a century, generates a lot of money, and is very rich, so what&#039;s the problem here.....why ruin it?

  6. It won&#039;t help test cricket, but I do think ODI has helped test cricket.  When teams attacked and saw themselves regularly at 4 - 250 after 50 overs, they started to think what if we went 100 overs like that in tests.  Or at least Australia clearly did.  It&#039;s changed the face of tests.

    T-20 is good for nothing really.  It doesn&#039;t prove a thing and largely comes down to a bit of luck.

    We used to play a similar two innings game where the batting order had to continue in the second innings (if you were four down, the not out batsmen would come back in as openers and the original openers would come in at 8 and 9).  That was an interesting format.  It&#039;d bring some tactics into the T-20 slog fests and make them interesting I reckon.

  7. I think it is a nonsense idea. If the ICC are admitting that the 50 over game has gone stale, having two innings each side of 20 overs won&#039;t improve it. Fans clearly want 20 over cricket, rather than 50 over. So they should just scrap the 50 over game, and play more Twenty20.

    As for it helping Test cricket: How is having two innings of slogging supposed to help it. I think it will detract from the longer format; the appeal of limited overs cricket is that it is one innings a side. So there is a noticeable difference between the two formayts. If they start having two innings a side limited overs games, fans will expect Twenty20 style slogging in Test cricket.

    I think it will do a lot of damage to Test cricket. The ICC should stop meddling, and leave Test cricket alone.

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