
Illegal Aliens? Are they responsible for some of our problems?

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Do you think illegal Aliens are responsible for some of Americas problems such as illegal drugs, fewer jobs, housing/mortgage crisis?




  1. No. that's so crazy america was built upon illegals and it so offens when people say that they are part of the problem. People make their own chooses anyone does it for them. We have that problem here because people are cheating others out of money,homes,food,gas,oil and etc, It has to do with the Government remember they are the ones who control what really happens. If you think about it things really started going wrong way before 9/11 and now people think that all middle Easterners or Muslims are bad its wrong to judged one another when all have sinned.

  2. Some crimes and most smuggling yeah, but the fewer jobs cm on the illegal aliens do most of the jobs that they do some americans dont want to do because they dont want to get dirty thats why americans hire some of those workers to do their jobs.The housing crisis its definetly not their its the people take loans and/or they get scamed

  3. America is her own problem...Greed,its all about the money...Good question tho...I'm loving the comments...Come on altogether now "God bless America"...

  4. yeah,,,blame them

    like an american its never ur fault


    yeah blame us for the war too while ur at it

  5. Illegal drugs, perhaps.  Many of them are unable to support themselves due to their inability to work, and must turn to drugs to make a living.

    Fewer jobs, not really.  In fact, they probably create more jobs, by encouraging companies to keep production here rather than outsourcing to countries with cheap labor.

    Housing/mortgage crisis, I don't see any connection.  

  6. some but not all  and ry-b can go to hellllll-o  

  7. Yes, The USA spends more tax money supporting illegal aliens in medical benefits each year  than we spend on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan each year.  Does this answer your question?  

  8. Well, ET wanted to go home, therefore not him/her/it. Superman helped people, therefore no him either. The Alien devoured people. It might be it

    Marvin, the Martian wanted to blow the earth . Him too

  9. yes.. some, not all.

  10. Certainly can't be helping can they? Though they're hardly to blame for all problems. At the same time, they're hardly beneficial. And the long term consequences will outdo any short term advantages.

  11. yes...facts speak for themselves

  12. drugs. definately though they would still be here. they are smuggling a huge # in. jobs.. definately. they are taking all the high paying jobs and leaving Americans with jobs that don't pay enough to survive on. very seldom do I see them doing fast food.. it's usually the jobs that would have to pay AMericans $20-30 a hour. bet. America has more homeless than ever before. Low income housing used to have a waiting list of 6 months to a 1 year and now it's as long as 20 years in some places but illegals are living in there ILLEGALLY (what's new). If you get rid of them then the low income housing waiting list would go way down and so would number of people needing them because jobs would be available again. just a vicious cycle

  13. I don't think they are at fault yes i kinda agree that they just kinda get in the way but you have to understand that they need to make money they have families . Why do a lot of people like to say bad things about immigrant when you eat fruits Hew do you think picks them out imagine no immigrants  would you be doing there jobs think about it . there is no reason for a person to be blaming them for our problems. I think we are all responsible for our world to make a difference and make it change .

       P.S People ,

  14. not completely responsible, but yes, they do play some part in these issues.  

  15. yeah and they need to go back where they came from. and never come back here.

  16. Yes,they are responsible for most of the problems here.

  17. Yes, to some degree.

    I do think however that the Mortgage Crisis has little or nothing to do with that.

    It was greed and speculation that got us into such a mess.


  18. Clearly, they are displacing American workers.  They are now doing jobs that Americans once did.

    Illegal aliens are driving drug trafficking across our border.  Armed guards herd them across with backpacks of drugs on their backs.  They are armed to shoot any American who dares try to stop them.

    Illegal aliens now ship about $60 billion a year out of our economy down to Mexico.  That money is DRAINED from our economy.

    They are also responsible for one hospital after another shutting down due to being forced to treat every illegal who walks into the emergency room - for free!  Hospitals can no longer absorb the cost.

    Mexico sends them up here with instructions on how to take advantage of our hospitals and our welfare system.

  19. Yes. Economically, they are killing us. They abuse out healthcare and welfare system. The politicos don't want to touch it because they are afraid of losing the Latino vote.

  20. the drugs problem the USA has only the USA is to blame for it , did u knew than marijuana home growers are in the rise !? well who is to blame !?

    about the fewer jobs some may not understand this but when u put lets say 1000 more new people into any town u end up with 1000 more people who of course need a job but also require stuff which produces jobs as they acquire that stuff . now if u move that people u also remove their needs therefor the jobs required also go down , what u need to have more jobs is not less people but to sell outside more , the undocumented help u in that since they allow business to grow faster .

    the housing market problems are not related to them but they are part of the solution since they are usually younger therefor more likely to buy more houses than the average .  

  21. Some, not all.

  22. If Mexico is a "drug trampoline" is because the US is a "drug pool"

  23. nope but some of the biggest bigot are

  24. Yes.They are responsible for a large portion of those types of problems.The stinking b******s in washington won't do a d**n thing about it though.

    I wonder if it was a senator or congressman that gave me those thumbs down?If it was,if ya'll would do your d**n jobs then you wouldn't be getting criticized.Deal with it or do something.Get off yourasses!

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