
Illegal Aliens (( YOUR OPINION))?

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I wanna know what do you think about illegal aliens.....

Here is my opinion....

I think everyone should be able to come to America if they want to to live here. People should not have to wait 1 to however many years to get a citizinship, God did not put us on this Earth for people to fight over something we didnt create ((THIS WORLD)) BUT i also believe that if we are having people from different countries come live in the U.S they should NOT be getting priviliges like free health care or don't have to pay taxes!!!Because we still have people in our country who are citizens of the U.S and cant afford that lkind of stuff and others are gettn it free!!!!






  1. I think that the history of america is just that.

    Full of people from elsewhere, and it seems to me that in all the history of america is just the same thing over and over again.

    Its the same talk, the same speech of how america is of those who where once illegal, and on and on.

    I really don't see anything how having immigration (illegal or not) could be bad for america, you've done so well in all your history and its worth posting.

    Great question.

    I don't live in the US, but i see you've had this issue for more than 400 years, maybe some things never change.

    I give my opinion, but I'd say let the Americans have their point, and their opinions are the most valid. I am talking about people who've lived there more than 6 or 7 generations. Let this people do the talking, let the true americans talk.

  2. Illegal aliens are a drain on the USA.

    In California they cost the state about $10 BILLION a year in medical care and schooling.

    They cost the USA $2,700 per year per illegal family.   Not so much because they are illegal, but because 2/3rds of them do not even have a high school education.   As a result,  they are poorer than puppies and get welfare and other forms of aid,  not to mention the taxes they do not pay.   If we made them legal,  the cost to the USA would go over $9000 per year per family because they would still be poorly educated and not contributing enough taxes.  

    If their kids would do great in school so we would not have them as a drain on the USA,  I might be OK with the whole illegal issue.   However,   close to 50% of all Hispanics do not finish high school.  That means rather than lifting themselves up like all other immigrant groups have done,  they will remain at the bottom and continue to require welfare.  

    Perhaps if the kids would show us they have the American dream of doing better than their parents,  rather than the South of the Border dream of being poor,  I might be more open to them coming here illegally.

  3. The history of the U.S. is not a bunch of disrespectful law breakers who don't care about the nation.

    If illegals were good for the U.S., they wouldn't call them illegal.

    If breaking the law to get a better life was a respectable thing to do, everyone would do it. But as we all know, only criminals and the lazy break the law to get a better life.

  4. There is a big misconception about illegals not paying taxes. Many of them have a SSN and a Tax ID number and they do pay taxes. So whether you like them or not, many of them are decent people trying to make a living and paying their tax obligations like you and me. Not all, but many are. And in that case you should also talk about the many rich US citizens who year after year avoid paying taxes, and I guess they are not a problem because they are legal?

    It's tough for illegals, but I wouldn't blame them, they have families to feed and the responsibility to provide for them. I would rather blame their corrupt governments who have sink the economy in their countries giving them no option but to immigrate to the US.

    You can thumb me down if you don't respect opinions, but the question asks for an opinion and this is my opinion.

  5. It makes sense to me. I know many won't agree, but I don't see dirt, grass and such as major things to fight over and kill for. I wish people could just live where they wanted and all be treated the same and fairly.

  6. ET wanted to go home, you know that. Superman sneaked like a legal with his adoptive parents. Starman, I think he also wanted to return. The Alien devoured people, bad

  7. Deport!!



  8. I think they should not be here

  9. i think there should be no borders and anyone can live anywhere....i agree totally with you....who gave up the right o claim property..i wish every stayed rural never happen..cause it's just destroying the world

  10. Finally someone I agree with

    Yeah, I believe that people from Mexico and Latin America ought to be able to enjoy the same benefits and luxury of living in America, they do not deserve worse just because the had the bad fortune of being born in a poor country

    And yes, if they are citizens, of course they should have to pay the same amount as everyone else.

  11. Look the problem with illegal aliens is that they are coming by the millions, uncontrolled. If the coming to our country was legal and with controls the majority of us Americans wouldn't mind. But been invaded, coming here illegally and then act like they deserve like they are in the right, parading in our city streets flying their flag, being disrespect to our American flag, robbing our ID's, refusing to speak English, invading out schools and health clinics, etc. and then you asked me what I think about illegal immigration. Well, do you think this is not enough to be against it?? You tell me!!

  12. I dont mind putting a roof over anyones head and putting food in their empty, but it taking the p**s a bit, when they dont ask if they can come in, and when they get here they want not just basics but luxury at OUR expense.

    Send them back, please.

  13. give them the boot

  14. Illegals can go back to their OWN COUNTRIES.  Illegals should work in their OWN COUNTRIES.  Illegals should be fighting to make THEIR OWN COUNTRIES LIVABLE, period.  By being in our Country illegally, they have in fact BROKEN OUR LAWS.  They have zero rights in this Country since they are NOT CITIZENS.  All countries have their own immigration laws.  I suggest those who come here, abide our laws, immigrate in a legal fashion, and REALLY TRULY WANT TO BECOME A CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTRY.

  15. **** you Danie the Werewolf (Team Jacob), that's totally uncool. They are also people and they should be wherever they want to!

  16. I think they should all be deported,anchor babies too.

  17. I've already had an account suspended for telling someone else what I think they should do to illegals.

  18. The long wait is because of the illegal immigrants that are here. So all of you that think it is harsh thank those who disobeyed the law. When people come here legally, they are suppose to show that they have enough money to support themselves or an affidavit of support. They sign a "contract" with the government saying they wont use government help. So, I agree that people should be able to live where they want to as long as they obey the law and come here the right way.

  19. We need a wall and must retreat into isolationism.

  20. I'm trying to move TO the US legally!  And yes..the wait is a little harsh:  18 months for myself and my 3 children, under 18 to join my husband of 9 yrs who is a US citizen.  My 21 yr old daughter??  Minimum of SIX YEARS and she's still in school and a dependant!  

    As far as social services from the US govt?  My husband (my sponsor) and my in-laws (co-sponsors) have to sign paperwork stating that myself nor my children can receive govt assistance without THEM having to pay the govt back.  How illegals get benefits when legals aren't entitled to them?  I'm not quite sure.  

    I'm always on this immigration answer site to gather information and I'm shocked at how many Americans HATE the thought of immigration.  I mean...I'm Canadian.  I'm on your OTHER border where there is no word (yet) about building a wall.  But I always feel like c**p about wanting to move to the US and becoming a US citizen as opposed to moving my US citizen to Canada.  

    In our case?  His family is all in Michigan.  I have no other family but him.  It makes sense for us to make the move to Michigan as opposed to him moving permanently to Canada.  I apologize in advance to all who hate the thought of diversity.

  21. I don't know..this is what I think... I agree that we should have stronger borders, and that all immigration should be done the legal and right way. But how about those who are already here? There are 12 million people, and how the heck are you going to kick all of them out?

        Of course there are those who come here to cause trouble, and contribute nothing to this country, but you can't judge everyone by the actions of a few. There are many kids who came here when they were just a couple of months old. I think those are the people who are most deserving. Those who are here to work and be productive. Those who will actually learn english and assimilate with our culture. Those who pay taxes (by the way, you don't need a social security number to pay taxes, the IRS gives them a taxpayer id number). Most of these illegal immigrants pay taxes out of fear of tax evasion charges. I say, if they have a criminal record, then don't give them the chance of a path to citizenship. But those who have a clean record and are either in school, or being a productive member of our society, why not give them an opportunity?

    By the way, while crossing the border undocumented is a crime, but why make the kids pay for the actions of their parents?

  22. Exactlyyy!!! I thinkk people should sign in @ Ellis Island and be treated like a citizen, no questions asked. If they r poor, they can get welfare. E-Z.

  23. the main culprit is our government that have allowed  the illegal immigration grow out of control, and offering benefits to people that shouldn't be here. Secondly illegal immigrants may be uneducated but they are not stupid, and know of a good thing when they see it.When they cross the border illegally , when they use or steal  SS # or identities they know

    that they are exposed to get caught one day.and be deporded  Irresponsably, buy houses , buy cars ,have children that cannot support, knowing that the more children they have, receive more benefits from this moronic government.Now, they feel enttitled to everything and they DEMAND it , as it happened on this unfortunate marches

    I say the government has to solve this problem 1) by deporting all criminals and 2) by attrition. If they are unable to work and get such generous benefits, they will have ti return home on their own, as is beginning to happen now.

    One last thing, the unscroulous employers should get astronomic fines and some time in prison

  24. Build the fence and kick out the illegal alien invaders. The illegals come here to steal jobs, healthcare, food stamps, free housing, free education, etc. They need to go home. No anchor babies either. I don't really care if they happened to be born in a poor country, if we allow them to continue flooding across the border, soon the U.S. will be dragged down to a third world country just like Mexico.

  25. WAITING to become a citizen of any country is lesson 1 on your way to becoming a "law abiding" citizen. America's immigration laws say you must be sponsored by an American citizen. During your wait, your sponsor is supposed to help you learn English, understand our culture, get a job, AND teach you the history of how this country came to be. The word in the Bill of Rights and the Preamble are profound, and powerful. ALOT of blood has been shed for us to enjoy the freedom and rights we have. Understanding the history of this country goes a long way toward helping immigrants understand what it means to be an American. If I had my way, if anybody (18 or more) wants to be fastracked to becoming an American citizen, they should have to join the military. Freedom is worth fighting and dying for, be it our own or our allies. THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AN AMERICAN.

  26. I think you should become citizen before they get the privelleges

  27. I think any one should be able to have access to any part of this world. I think its OK for the workers to come here.I'm talking about the illegal aliens that come here to work and never create any trouble for any one. On the other hand the murderers and killers should just get the death sentence. I know that it is f'd up that they don't have to pay taxes, and they get stuff for free that certain citizens cant even get, but their not really here for trouble or to make our lives miserable, or to tease us cause they have certain things that we wished they had. But they are here to work and to get money to send back to their families, and their children. Put yourself in their shoes. If your country had sucky jobs that didn't give much and the only way for you and your children to be "alright" financially, wouldn't you travel to another country of opportunity? I sure know i would!

  28. Problem is as you can see, many immigrants and illegals supporters think they are "entitled" to be in the U.S., most are Mexican too who think that.

    What about the people who don't border the U.S., should be boat them over so they can illegal immigrate too, it's not fair to them.

    I see a lot of people say illegal pay taxes, an illegal with 5 kids, if he/she pays taxes at all, is only taxed VERY little. They will always take way more than they give.  We all know the type of person who supports illegals is uneducated, that's just the way it is. Maybe when they get older and more educated, they will see the true impact of illegal unlawful invasion.

  29. i think they should not be here, and are taking advantage of our hospitality. in mexico, in order to be a resident you have to be able to speak the national language, pass certain tests, and other various things. we have no such rules, but i think we should. if we adopted all of mexicos immigration laws, i think there would be far less illegal aliens... and i also agree that the free health care and such is completely unnecessary...

  30. As far as I'm concerned illegals should be "taken care of" in any way necessary.

  31. **** ALL U RACIST AZZ MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... U b*****s DESERVE 2 BE IN H3LL!!!!!!!!!!!!! G0 SUCK BALLS ASSHOL3Z!!! HOP3 U DIE WIT MILLIONS OF NEEDLES IN UR 3Y3, UR BALLS CUT OFF N BURN IN H3LL ***** *** FUCKERZ!!!!!!!!!!!

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