
Illegal Cubans trafficked trough Mexico to enter into USA R charged 10,000 dlls! Where do they get that Money?

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Coyotes charge the fee of 10,000 dlls to each commie from Cuba to be smuggled into USA!

It is so weird!!!

Mexican mafias are smuggling communist from Cuba trough Mexico, and then once they are in the northern border of Mexico, they surrender to the US authorities and start their process of wet/dry feet economic exile!

My question is: If Cubans in Cuba are so impoverished and Cuba is so poor, and the minimum wage is 100 dlls per month. .....Do they have to work 100 months to get that money? Do they get the money thanks to drug trafficking?

Do their relatives in Florida send them money?

or what a heck is going on with the illegal trafficking of Cubans trough Mexico????




  1. Corruption. Cubans are being exploited by Imperialist Mexicans and Americans.

    lift the blockade!

    legalize and tax drugs and prostitution!

    Document the undocumented... We need reforms and changes in our odd foreign policies

  2. that is what gets me about all that pay coyotes, they are using money their illegal families that are here are earning, instead of using money to better themselves where they are at. How many are killed by the coyotes and the money is taken. People need to stop coming here the illegal way period!!!

    Report and Deport

  3. these answers really show how much people know of other cultures and their governments.

    most have relatives pay for the coyote then they repay their can the US apply the wet feet/dry feet policy if they come form Mexico and not over the water?that policy is for those who risk their lives at sea to come here to escape Cuba.

    I have heard that relatives in the states are just now being able to send money home to Cuba, that is if it is in affect yet.but i may be wrong on that.

  4. Cuba is a banana republic since the end of the cold war.  The USA decide what happen or not happen in Cuba. Fidel is just an old puppet.

    commie cubans are cheap labor force needed in Florida.

  5. Guess what - they do it to TALIBAN, too.  This is the big point of supporters of closed borders.  It doesn't matter what country you are from - if a person is here illegally, they get arrested (it's already the law, folks).  Mexico SHOOTS illegal immigrants coming from Venezuela - did you know THAT one?

  6. Cubans like any other group are either paid for by family already living in the United States or they basically pay on credit. It runs about $7,500 for a border crossing now for other nationalities. I don't know why Cubans would be charged a higher rate. Unless it is because they can't get "caught". In any event Cubans have more money than you think since a lot of Americans vacation there despite the law against it. US citizens travel to Cuba through Mexico and Cuban officials very politely don't stamp US passports. Cubans who work in the tourism industry tend to have more money because they get tipped in US dollars generally. The official salary and the underground salary are two very different things.

    Wet foot/Dry foot is the nickname of the policy this country has towards Cubans but that doesn't mean the only method they have for entering is over water.

  7. Well, ask them, because I don't know either. Just where people get money, bubbles ?

    But now I see. Your question is about the comunists that fidel infiltrates into the USA. In that case, fidel gives them the money. That is totally clear. Don't you see ?

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