
Illegal Immagrants?

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How do you think that Illegal immagrants are affecting us?

Do you think that there will be a change?




  1. idk just leave them alone. If you go back far enough on your family tree we are all immigrants, and we all come from different places. We have to start some where

  2. illegal immigrants are the backbone of the u.s and one day we will rise atop the lazy americans and rule with a life of luxuries and ostentatious accessories.

  3. Their only effecting us unless you want to do all the hard labor jobs that pay below minimum wage.  If you need a job in that area then you are in trouble.  Dont get me wrong I dont think they should come here and drain the system.  Then yes I think that is a bad effect on us.  But if they come here for a better life and work they are actually contributing to the work force.

  4. I don't believe anyone would have thought the Congress would ignore the requests of the American People and simply move forward in isolation from the society.  As this process developed, the Democratic Party literally told the world they were going to be the party for the 'new immigrants'.  Whoe says we... are we talking about the illegal aliens?  Yep.  The Democratic Party just walked away from the current crop of older Americans.

    And the Republican Party joined them.  The Republican Party came back first, but clearly, another amnesty and there would have to be ten more until Mexico and the United States were one country.  

    Mexico was watching these processes and the demands on Congress to return the illegal aliens.  Money from Mexico began flooding in to the lobby groups, and you saw the demonstrations.  I cannot prove that.. it is essentially what had to have happened as that Mexican Money came in.

    As people began to examine sites such as, and,, the issue began to clear up.  But while my element was working forms, the minute men formed.  It turned out there were a lot of cops from a lot of departments in that first group.  They wanted to know what was going on and they discovered the Border Patrol was underfunded and undermanned.  Add, then, this: the illegal aliens got brave and the crime rate and activities of the illegal aliens began to move to crime.  Per person, the illegal aliens have the highest crime rate in this nation, and one of the world worst places to live would be on the border where the local cops do NOT control the city.  Del Rio, Texas may still be such a place, but all of it came together and protests began to rise.

    At this point, we have a Mexican influence in our government we have never seen before.  At this point, the Democratic Congress may or may not support the people and tell Obama no, and/or McCain, no.

    Yes there will be a change.  I am glad I am not young any more because it will be a serious change if we can hold the line on no illegal alien amnesty.  

    We badly need a national ballot initiative to control Congress.  If we don't get it, the people will lose a very significant amount of their rights.

  5. They are receiving free health care and free education, etc and most do not pay taxes, they send their money "HOME".   We are footing the bill for these people who did not come here legally and it is killing this country.   We are a country of suckers.

  6. I don't think illegal immigrants are affecting you in a bad way.  Unless they get married to Americans, they really don't have any rights here at all.  

    by the way it's immigrants.  please learn to spell.  it insults me (an immigrant myself) that you can't practice what you preach.

  7. immagrants?

    you should start by learning how to spell in your language.

  8. There ruining our country... I don't think it will change much.

  9. There is no such thing.  Islam does not recognize borders.

  10. $338 billion and 10,000 people killed each year! How about you? Are you going to wait until it's one of your family members? Deport criminal invaders: save lives and money!

  11. The way they are effecting us is they are cheap labor which is helping the economy.  If we get rid of them, think how expensive it will be to pay someone for construction and other labor jobs.

  12. It is a problem with cost for health care since they usually have no insurance and the added cost for care when they are sick is costing us in the long run.  The jobs that are lower paying such as gardening or babysitting or cleaning homes.  The problem is these jobs are hard to employee individuals and they are being taken advantage of by paying them low wages or not at all and threatening to turn them in if they complain.  The problem is people take advantage of their illegal status and break the law themselves but it is the illegal alien that gets the bad rap.  The overcrowded cities are a problem since the illegals are forced to find ways to make a living and when they can't pay for housing or food they are forced to resort to crime.  This is where the problem occurs the most.

  13. Last 2 Phoenix cops killed by illegals.

    Drop houses with guns in your neighborhood, where your kids are playing.

    Higher car insurance!

    Higher medical bills because they do not pay.

    I am tired of hearing Mexican on the phone when I call an American company.

    All border towns broke!

    No change unless the American people wake up and pull their heads out of their butts!

  14. Personally, I can see the government's stand, but as long as the immigrants ain't immigrating for illegal purposes, I believe they almost have a right to become law abiding citizens. But they shouldn't be crossing the border illegally. That I am not in favour of.

  15. They are having the taxpayers support them.  They are getting health insurance, legal aid, they are committing crimes.  We have to have more officers bust them, deport them.  They are clogging up the prisons, wasting the time of the police and INS.  They are dealing drugs, working illegally, doing anything under the table so they won't get caught.  Paying for services to take care of them costs money--federal money from the taxpayers.

    They are the ones who need to make the change.  We can only clean up and make laws against them.  Why don't they put the pressure on their government to make their country better.  Demand more rights, benefits, whatever!  Wouldn't they rather live in their country and be proud.

  16. It's a FACT, not "what do we think", IT'S TURNING THE U.S. INTO A THIRD WORLD h**l HOLE!!

    Many of these illegals believe that just because they came here and are making a living by doing hard labors, they can pull  the society by it's ears with their low-class, bully sense of entitlement, their drug-cartel mentality of civil rights(ehh, you are not a citizen here!?)

  17. No there will be no change.  they were to build a wall they didn't. and we just keep putting the same people in office.  and expect change. until we have a solid third party nothing will change.

  18. Well there are no longer any landscaping jobs available, much less greenskeeper jobs. It makes the wallets of the operators of those companies richer they hire cheap labor and pocket the difference. yes, it is a better life but either way Im not sneaking into Mexico to enjoy Cancun so it isnt right. Ship them all back.

  19. they come here, work for cash.. don't pay any taxes, committing crime, demanding special attention/ treatment, making too many babies, and complain that they are being treated unfairly.

    hopefully they will enforce and take these law breakers more seriously. (yes! when you sneak into a country illegally is breaking a law!)

    Illegal immagrants ???  LOL


  20. they are bleeding our country dry, it won,t change until they abide by their own laws and close all borders and take apage from that sheriff in arizona.

  21. ask the people anywhere but especially in CA that NEED low income housing and even if they have a preference like a disability or homelessness they are told they have a waiting list of as long as 20 years.. but illegals apply and get in without a wait.. Ask a school teacher who now has 40 kids in her class instead of the 20 she should have. 20 American kids who will one day be employees who actually DO pay in taxes but who can't get a decent education why? because teachers spend all day working one on one with illegals who can't understand the material and REFUSE to learn the language.. Ask an American family with 1 child who works their butt off and pays taxes who doesn't make enough to pay bills but doesn't qualify for welfare or free healthcare whose child is sick and they don't have the $50.00 for the MD visit.. who can look around and see illegals with 5.6. 7 kids sitting in an ER with a hang nail who gets A 1 care. Ask the homeless person who once had a job with benefits who could take of his family but who lost everything when his job was given to illegals and now he has to resort to just whatever people are nice enough to donate to the food bank or the clothing donation place...or even throw at him while they are walking down the street while giving him a look and saying "get a job you lazy bum"..  I think it's obviously clear..

    As long as we have people in Congress who is too afraid to do what might be "politically incorrect" to someone who pads their pocket or pays their salary, nothing will change.. It is a sick world when illegals can come here and get A 1 healthcare, public education, college education, housing, etc while people who work to pay for all those things get nothing..and the people in Congress who look out for America sit on their butt and do nothing.. but instead allow them to come in and do more damage by the day.

  22. I think it is causing problems, though not major ones. People say it puts strain on the American infrastructure and social programs, and it does but it's not major.

    It is illegal however, and therefore should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

    When the new president takes office some things will be done to improve border security but how much depends on how many citizens stand up for secure borders.

    Regardless of illigel immigration, we need secure borders to remain a sovereign country and to protect us from outside threats as well as control the drug trade.

  23. Personally i think illegal immigrants are causeing many problems for our country because they come into the U.S. and hideout, then have kids. Once the parents get kicked out... then what? The kids are legal in america. The parents arent.

  24. When i saw your title i wanted to answer insulting you in a smart way but after reading it all again its just wasting my time.

    You are asking immigrants to learn your language and you cant even spell it.


  25. I don't really see a way that they're affecting us really. I mean, coming from a teens perspective, I met a lot of friends in high school that are illegal immigrants and they have been here since little kids. They're basically americanized and are willing to continue with their education (such as college and university). I don't think many people who are immigrants here are really the problem, as long as they're good people with clean criminal records and speak english. I think there need to be a change because there are so many students and people who are undocumented and they can also make a change in the world; they've come here to make something better out of themselves and become someone to help the world.

  26. we wouldn't get treated so nice in there country if we were our country it don't matter who comes over and they all get treated so great.

  27. yes they will be a change...but i think this whole immgrant issue is more about a race war then about illgal immgrants

  28. I think that as of now, they have a negative impact on the country. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist, I just don't think the US should have to modify anything about their country just to accomodate them. If the immigrants think things should be a certain way, they should go back to their own country if they love its laws, wages, and languages so much.

    And, if there is a change, which I think eventually there probably will be if things in that aspect continue going down-hill, there will be a big rebellion in lots of people.

  29. To late to do anything about it now.

  30. illegal immagrants are cool =)

    omg how many people are racist!!!!

    they're not having much fun hiding from immigration

    and they work a lot for the minimum pay

    they do all of the jobs that citizens wouldn't do

    they have to leave their families which is really hard for them

    plus if you guys aren't native americans you don't have the right to talk about immigrants

  31. Maybe the same way the Indians were affected when we are the ones who raided their country, oh and did something worse, we slaughtered them to get their land. We didn't care that it already belonged to them, our ancestors were looking for a better life, much like the immigrants today, everyone who is postin' nasty comments about them are freakin' hypocrites, how did they get here? Are you native American? Don't ask stupid questions, all you'll get are mostly stupid answers from stupid people who don't "remember" how THEIR ancestors were immigrants at some point, uh, IDIOTS.

    PS. People from England, Spain and other European countries tried to learn how to speak the native Indian language, and made them learn how to speak English. So don't come on here with your self-righteous and arrogant attitude, you only have it cause you're not educated enough about your own family. We talk about immigrants crossing a small river when our families crossed an entire OCEAN! The present immigrants from Mexico and south of us, are more a part of this continent and this land, than we ever will be. And they're not slaughtering us to get it. We are no one to be saying anything, our ancestors would be ashamed of us.
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