
Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense?

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Should the American taxpayers foot the bill?




  1. Absolutely not!

  2. No, I actually feel they should get no medical, the anchor babies should not be given citizenship, they should be a citizen of what ever country the illegal mother is from!!!

  3. No, we should not have to foot the bill.  I suggest sending the illegal's bills to their country and have their country pay these expenses.

  4. NO! but I don't worry about it because they pay enough taxes to pay for other bills.......Like your Granpa's retirement check! I don't see you complaining about them "footing" the bill on that one......huh?

    "The Social Security Administration estimates that about three-quarters of illegal workers pay taxes that contribute to the overall solvency of Social Security and Medicare."

    "The impact on Social Security is significant, though, because most of that money is never claimed by the people who pay it but instead helps cover retirement checks to legal workers."

    "Overall, any type of immigration is a net positive to Social Security. The more people working and paying into the system, the better," Hinkle said. "It does help the system remain solvent."

  5. No.  No and until we have something like a national ballot initiative, we won't actually have any say in the matter.  

    We are getting booted around.. it will continue until we do something about it.

  6. Nope. I had to pay for the birth of my child myself,so should they.

  7. Nope. And I should not be footing the bill for ANYONE illegal or legal to be on welfare, food-stamps or medi-cal. Get em all off and let them get a job like the rest of us.

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