
Illegal Immigrants and Helth insurance?

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Do Health insurances check social security numbers to see if they are real or fake?




  1. They better!  

  2. they will ask you for a health insurance card..they may run it is they don't trust you....if you need help you need to go...if you don't have insurance ask them if they would give you a discount if you pay cash...just don't go and leave them hanging with a bill...the rest of us will end up paying for it...i worked in a drs office and if we questioned it our insurance person would call.

  3. I would hope so, We better not be wasting money on people who shouldn't even be here!

  4. There is no absolutely right answer for your question.Nonetheless,explorer the information here might give you some ideas.HOpe it helps.

  5. I think it would depend on the state and the company. I know a lot of illegals, and they have health insurance individually. But it shouldn't really matter, cause the insurance company gets their money either way. At least they are being responsible in that and not trying to get free medical attention.

  6. Most health insurance subscribers get their policy through their employer, so the employer should verify the ssn. I do medical billing and I see alot of the whole family using the same ssn. Or a husband and wife will get their ssn mixed up (usually medicare patients). It's hard to verify because calling social security takes forever.  

  7. Why do you ask?

    And, oh by the way, where do you live?

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