
Illegal Immigration Supporters?

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Why can't we just have the prisoners in our country do the work that you think Americans won't do.

Wouldn't that solve everyones problems?




  1. I would deoprt the 30% of the prison population that are in the country illegally any way. The rest of them can repay the debt to society through free labor.

  2. Oh heck yeah!....slave labor is as American as apple pie!......they can all sing southern style gospel songs as they pick cotton............also you guys can put up signs at the entrance to the labor camps that say  ARBEIT MACHT FREI  [work will liberate you]...

  3. Except for the no forced labor provision of the constitution.

    Then there is the issue of how much do the businesses pay for the contracted labor force?

  4. The government has been there and done that. Illegal immigrants are safer than prisioners.

    And don't anyone bring up drunk driving, raping, robbing, illegal immigrants, because there are more Americans that do the same thing.

    The Question should be why won't Americans do the jobs???? They think they are above it and then they cry when the immigrants do the jobs......So what are they complaining about???

  5. Forced servitude in the land of the Free; we'd have to get a new National Anthem.

  6. No, it wouldn't, because then you would have millions of people in danger all the time. You can't let a prisioner serve others food or work in construction or retail. They could easily escape and put us all in danger. Prisoners need to be in prison and the illegal immigrants need to join them there.

  7. that sounds like a great idea, the only problem though, is that the system is not that great at keeping criminals under their eye. i mean even if they have an electronic bracelet, chances are they might still run away plus, what type of crimals would you want to use for such jobs?

  8. I dont think so. You still have to pay them for their work andddd it costs a lot of money to tak care of a prisoner.

    Illegal immigrants contribute to the American economy over $9 billion dollars a year!--THAT IS...WORKING AT $0.22 AN HOUR..IMAGINE IF THEY MADE MORE? IMMAGINE IF THEY WERE LEGAL

    They dont pay taxes because they are illegal, but at the same time they certainly contribute to the economy. If you ask me, it's a huge shame how racist this country is.

    I see where you're coming from, however Mexicans are NOT the only illegal immigrants. There are illegal immigrants in this country from Venezuela, Chile, China, everywhere. People automatically assume that it is Mexicans. And no I am not ignorant, I just took a social problems class in college that said the opposite of what most people think. -including yourself.

    What I DO believe is that they should pay taxes! But unfortunately they cant because they are illegal. Not their fault now is it?

  9. A very good idea.  Penal Farms have been around for a long, long time and if we have them, the inmates will be tired when they go to bed, will earn money for that point when they are released over the border, and pay the cost of their prison term.

    Works for me!

  10. well, if they were prisoners, and were going to be sent back, then yes that seems fair.  but if you are also talking about keeping illegal immigrants here anyway, then no.

  11. The state of Alabama has a prison farm system where they grow and harvest their own food. It works great.

    By the way their are over 300,000 illegals in US prisons. We could start with some of them.

  12. ur idea is like this

    Make mexico a poor @ss country so poor that the citezins starve and have no money, so they our forced to come here to help there family in the country US messed up. Then bait them in, arrest them all and use them to get get free labor....

    Thats just messed up

  13. That's a BIG FAT NO! The prisoners are doing it in a program in Colorado, but it's only because they'd rather be outdoors then cooped up in a cell. But I bet they won't do it once they get out!

    I think I would rather have a group of innocent hard working immigrants working the farm next to me with a fat lazy American boss looking over them instead of a group of prisoners with armed guards, even if they are the low risk criminals. The only criminal activity the working immigrants commit, is living here illegally.

  14. i dont support it i just couldnt help answering. but theydo work and they make money to like 33 cents

    there was a talk show on illegal immagration and the one guy said no american wants to work on a farm they ohter guy said then how come when a farm was raided of illigal immagrats(they all were deported) why were they a line of americans wanted to work on the farm?

  15. Works for me,and to those who fear escaped prisonersgoing wild in the streets,need I remind you that we have the right,and,responsibility to keep and bear arms,to defend both home and government.It's high time prison gaurds started earning their keep by doing something besides sitting on their collective butts watching monitors.If you make prison a place to fear ,instead of a free ride,there would be less people committing crimes so they can kick it in lock up with their homeys.

  16. The USA has been doing that. Nothing new

    Work with the men of the ironed gang !

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