
Illegal Immigration???

by  |  earlier

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I posted a question to republicans about illegal immigration earlier and why they are so freaked out about it. Here's a follow up question. Do you think we should make it easier for illegals to become legal? We could enlarge the immigration offices along the border and make everyone entering register with the gov, give them a green card, and thus allow them to be documented legally. We could make an agreement with Mexico to show their citizens how to use the system and become legal. I think we should also allow everyone from Mexico who wants to come here the chance to do so "through this program". Sound like a good idea? If we tried it we would no longer have an immigration problem, they would all become legal and would all be paying taxes and such. We should also give all illegals currently here the chance to use such a program...Problem solved, right?? Or, is the illegal immigration platform just a sleazy excuse to espouse anti-mexican and anti-Latino sentiments??




  1. I don't think you actually want to hear opposition at all (or you will not be reasonable with it), there are some illegal immigrants that I would rather be here than some Americans, but if you don't control who comes into the country, you don't have control over the country.

    Disease is not checked when they come over here illegally, also the illegal immigrants are poor (otherwise they wouldn't be leaving), so more likely than not they will not be paying taxes (the bottom 50% of americans pay 4% of the total taxes). Crime is also a big one too as ms16 is now the most deadlyist gang in the US, also the drug trade that goes on south of the border is riduculous. But what I think bothers me the most is that they value their home country more so than the country that they are living in.

    Hmm... anti-mexican, you know what we should be more like mexico, we should adopt some of mexico's policies expecially the ones dealing with illegal immigration, where illegal immigrants get jailed fined, manual labor (punished overall) and then forced to deport.

  2. The problem is that the illegal migrants have broken a law to enter the country in the first place, and to grant "foregiveness," you are ignoring that fact.  Considering this, it begs the question, why should ANYONE bother to jump through the hoops to come to the country legally?

    Ask the same question about any criminal... should we make it easier for them to get out of their legal status?

    My vote is a resounding, "No."

  3. I don't think it's a republican issue really. I'm an independent and I am very much against illegal immigration.

    We should not make it easier on illegals, they don't deserve to be rewarded for breaking our laws and disrespecting our country. I think they should all be deported after serving mandatory time on a chain gang.

  4. No, illegals need to go back home and help their own countries be a better place to live.  SORRY, by being illegal they have broken OUR LAWS, period.  There are many, millions, who have been trying to immigrate into our Country legally, and have been waiting a long, long time.  I do NOT feel we should appease the illegals for breaking our laws.

  5. How many people do you think would stay in Mexico?  The US can't afford another courntry coming into our country.  We can't even take care of half our population.  Health Insurance, disabled persons, homeless, SS?  Where do you think it would go?  The working class can't afford to pay more for people coming in taking advantage of everything we've worked for. How are we going to heat our homes this winter, never mind another surge of "Americans".  All the criminals will come here since they won't have to deal with Mexico's system.  Think about the increase in police, fire dept, welfare.  It couldn't happen in a positive way.

  6. I will no longer be directly answering illegal immigration questions due to people reporting & removing my answers for political reasons, not genuine abuse.

    It's OK if you are mediocre and sail under the radar, but as soon as you start making strong arguments, winning more votes, and touching nerves, your Q & A's start disappearing to let some "top contributor"  who controls the forum win instead.

  7. No, we don't need these uneducated people from south of the border!!

  8. no more illegal immigrants they do not belong here they don,t pay taxes and they collect foodstamps and welfare and over burden our healthcare system with their anchor babies and their poor families.

  9. I see your point and I think it's valid. However part of the problem is the fact that our country is starting to over flow. here is a suggestion..let's annex Mexico and make it the 51st state. Apparently many mexicans want to be american anyway...What do you think? Then they would be legal, paying taxes, paying ss, taking their wages and putting them into ther american econmy instead of the mexican economy...

  10. If I go to your house and kill your family should I get a new house and car? Why do you want to reward criminals? Isn't bad enough that they KILL 10,000 people a year in the US? You want to reward them? How about the money they steal from government programs (getting benefits by fraudulent means is stealing)? What if they bring over a disease that kills your whole family? Do THEY get a new house and car? Rewarding criminal behavior will only get you more criminal behavior! We tried amnesty and 1000% more illegals invaded the country! DEPORT, DEPORT, DEPORT!
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