
Illegal Mexican And US-Mexico Relationships?

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Why don't Mexican and pro-immigration groups not understand how much aid and economic improvements the US has made for Mexico? There are many nations where a large portion of the country is in poverty and I don't see those people trying to illegaly cross the border. h**l, Mexicans have a higher per capita GDP then most other nations!




  1. Yeah and they want sympathy and try to ask for a better life so they go by any means to do what they want to do illegally but the point is, it's still illegal.

  2. They do understand it but it just so happens that they are usually the ones who are benefiting from this illegal activity.

  3. What are we talking about there is poverty all over the world and oppression and human rights violations all over the world. we even have oppression and poverty in America. all of our companies are moving to the far east or mexico, plus illegals bilk our economy and send a large portion of their tax free money back to mexico. i,m tired of my taxpayer dollars, housing, feeding, educating, medicating and giving them free reign while i,m struggling to put food on the tablle, taking care of my kids education and healthcare, if its so bad in mexico let the people revolt like we did 200 years ago to free us from the chains of dictatorship, poverty and oppression. you can run but you cannot hide stand up and fight and take our country back.well, i love mysa, the 5 year old gets to jump in line ahead of mexican kids to learn english while the citizen child has to go across town to another school or wait another year. you miss my point the people in darfur can,t jump across the ocean to get here but their plight is much worse. plus the mexicans get tax credits, business opportunities and drive illegal because cops are forced to turn their heads, i,m not without compassion but you don,t treat strangers or neighbors better than your own citizens or children.

  4. So would you like living in Mexico?  The US has such a higher standard of living than Mexico, that I think people will still come.  The standard of living is low in Mexico compared to any developed country.

  5. Umm, excuse me mr moonraze2000, what do you think the immigrants are doing when theyre risking everything to come over here?? Hey buddy, theyre in the same boat as you and as all of us. Trying to keep a roof over their heads, trying to make sure their families have something to eat and their kids are getting an education so they dont have to go through the same things theyre going through. Have you actually sat down and looked at what your tax paying dollars are going to? You would be very surprised and hopefully ashamed. I dont mind that my tax paying dollars are going to a five year old who now has a better future because he gets to start kindergarten here.

  6. It's written in stone at the Baldwin Park Metrolink Station...THIS LAND WAS MEXICAN ONCE, INDIAN ALWAYS...AND WILL BE AGAIN.

    69% of working class Mexicans believe the American southwest was stolen from Mexico as a result of the Mexican American war back in the 1840's.

  7. The aid provided by the United States to Mexico's government doesn't necessarily filter down to citizens of Mexico.  In a sense, illegal immigration and government aid are two entirely different issues because the cause and effect of each are not tied together.

  8. ummm it doesnt matter if mexicans have a higher per capita gdp...that doenst mean that poverty doenst exist.

  9. Eh slight problem.............what other border besides Canada is there for poor countries to cross? I'm in America where are you?

  10. Mexican and pro-immigration groups are fully aware how much aid and economic improvements the U.S. had made for Mexico, they just could care less.

    They are for illegal immigration no matter how much good the U.S. and it's people do for Mexico.

  11. as somebody above me pointed what? The Government policies and corruption are so bad in Mexico that those "economic improvements" are doing little for most of Mexico's Citizens. And as another person above me pointed out Mexico "just happens" to be on the border of the U.S........most other Countries where most people are in poverty are bordered by Countries that have the same problem.

    And if indeed Mexico has a higher per Capita GDP than most Nations than most of the  ENTIRE WORLD is knee-deep in Poverty.

    Personally I am "pro-immigration" not just because I think we need to help the poor, but because immigrants who choose to work hard and act in a responsible manner (and I claim most do) can and will help US.

  12. Think of it this way. If you could break into a celebrity's mansion that was 100 times better than your house, and you knew the worst that would happen if you were caught was that you'd be told to go back and live in your own house, but that you could break into the celebrity's house again and probably get away with it, you might be tempted to do it.

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