
Illegal Mexican Immigration?

by Guest62992  |  earlier

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Consider the situation regarding illegal immigration. Many Mexicans are still very conscious of the injustices of US expansionism. How has our history with Mexico affected relations today?




  1. We now have NAFTA.

  2. Hmm Spain stole land from the indigenous people and created Mexico. We bought land from Mexico and they signed a treaty. Life sucks but they ought to learn to accept it

  3. the ONLY situation regarding illegal immigration is just that.

    They are here ILLEGALLY!

    We bought the land fair and square, they need to get over it before we kick their butts back to mehico yet again.

  4. Mexicans may be conscious of the injustices of expansionism, but they're also very ignorant to the injustices of cheating every legal immigrant in the country, stealing welfare, taking jobs and charging every tax payer the price of a jaguar car every year.  In some ways I think illegal immigrant help, in many, many ways I do not.  Citing them as moral measuring sticks isn't helpful.

    Our history with Mexico has been a relatively smooth one up until the illegal immigration issue.  When Bush militarized the border, everyone reacted badly (along with US troops shooting down people not even crossing).  So we've done some harsh, inhumane things to protect our borders.  Too much, in my opinion.  However I think if Mexico views us badly, it is out of ignorance.  We've sent billions of dollars over to Mexico to improve their economy and make more job opportunities (it didn't work, obviously) but it still was a very generous act.

  5. they may be aware of US expansionism, but that existed because the Mexican Government attacked the United States across the Rio Grande.  And while you can educate the Mexican Nationals any way you want to educate them, the world is well aware of the aggression and hostility of the Mexican Government back there.  And let me tell you...  they would have won if they had not had a whole lot of corruption in their government then also.

    If that affects our relations today, that is to bad.  It is up to the Federal Government to mitigate that bogus history taught by the Mexicans with perhaps a Spanish Language broadcasting effort along the Mexican Border.  But not appeasement of that foolishness for sure.

  6. What expansionism?

    Your history is skewed. If you are taking about the Southwest. This was purchased along with a peace treaty after a war. There was a war and the Mexicans lost. In order to maintain peace they were required to SELL parts of their territory to the United States.

    If this is a high school history paper your teacher needs to go back to a real school and learn something other than Liberal propaganda.  

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