
Illegal Mexicans whine about the bad rulers in ole Mexico but wave the Mexican flag at first chance. Why?

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Illegal mexicans and their legal cousins who fled Mexico without a fight are real brave to march and protest in the US but did not have the guts to stay in the homeland and fight for their mothers, wives and children. I say to you that you have no cajones and have no right to live in America displaying this kind of cowardice.




  1. there's a big difference between "fight" and "protest". They left their homeland for a better life, millions of people do it worldwide every year,  it doesn't mean the mexicans who left mexico are no longer mexican, it doesn't matter where you go or how long you go for, your homeland is your homeland. for this reason why shouldn't they be allowed to wave their national flag.

  2. Because Mexico is a great place, it's just run by a corrupt government. Much like the U-S. Americans are still proud of their country, even though half of all Americans are anti-Bush administration. So same as Mexico, beautiful place, great culture, S****y politicians.

  3. 59 questions and nearly every one is about "illegal aliens". Talk about whining.

  4. Amen and pass the tortilla, brother! Go back and make things right in your own country! There's no reason why our neighbors to the north can be prosperous and our neighbors to the south cannot.

    If you don't love America, then crawl back to the third world dirt hole you came from and make it a better place.

  5. If you're in California it's because they're trying to take over.

    Ever notice that each family has at least 5 kids.

    Yeah Reiko! Whoo Hoo I'm with you!

  6. Because one thing is the ruler and another thing is the mother country. -_-

  7. So nice to see your xenophobic prejudice.

    Still, to answer your question with a seriousness that you don't deserve, but which might reach someone else,  

    One can despise one's government for the very reason thaat he/she loves the homeland and thinks it merits far better than the actual government.

  8. I think they're doing it just to p**s you off. Looks like they've succeeded.

  9. Why do you wave the Amercian Flag?  most likely because you are proud of your heritage, that is the same reason a Mexican illegal or not will wave the Mexican flag because they are proud of their heritage.  The word illegal is a moot point here.  They flee to the us to try to improve their life because the goverment makes it very difficult for them.  And let me say this,  it is  cojones not cajones which is not even a mexican word it is cuban, very big difference.

  10. Good point.  Unfortunately, it falls on deaf ears.

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