
Illegal communist cubans sneaking illegally into Mexico and USA! What should Home Land Security do about it?

by Guest58660  |  earlier

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  1. Same as they do with illegal Mexicans, deport

  2. The reason the communist mulattoes flee from Cuba is because "the Blockade".

    However Cuban immigration is illegal, and if the border patrol or coast guard catch them overseas, they will be send  back to Cuba or Guantanamo if they are drug traffickers.

  3. Let them be!! They want to change their lives what's so bad about it??Yia sou.

  4. Call out the Floridah Air National Guard.  Strafe the shore line, drop the VX canisters on them.  Sabotage their oil wells off the shore so that their beaches will be polluted.

  5. Difficult situation. They should apply for political asylum. If we do not accept them then Castro and his bunch of thugs will put them in jail to rot!

  6. yes gut them and field dress them like a deer in hunting season

  7. They should be treated like any other illegals. What our policy should be for that is debatable. They aren't communists. If they were communists they wouldn't be trying to leave Cuba and get into the US.

  8. they should stop it... and the law tells them to stop it.  What this President has done about the issue is... not fund the law enforcement that could have dealt with it.  I believe you will see it get worse unless Congress get very serious about this issue.  As it stand, the only fence they want to see in place is the one around Congress that protects them from the people they represent.

  9. Arm border patrol with cattle prods?

  10. they are going to take our jooooobs!!!

    more seriously though, the whole reason why the are leaving cuba is because they dont "belive"in communism anymore the system fail them and they want a better life.

  11. Immediately arrest all the comunist spies and send them back to fidel

    By the way, how can you differentiate between the honest Cubans who want to escape from fidel and fidel's  henchmen that come to infiltrate in the USA ?

    You should do what that idiot Kennedy didn't do in the 1960s, invade Cuba and hang ALL THE COMUNISTS !

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