
Illegal immigrant hit my car claiming no paper work or insurance or anything?

by  |  earlier

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The car hits me and 2 guys come out, i demanded information they aggressively refused and we almost got into a fight. Damage was on the front bumper and it was at night so i couldnt see anything wrong, yet they still refused to give me anything and provoked me also claiming they were illegal and wouldnt give me any information. I got there license plate and know where they live. This morning turns out there are like many cracks sort of like a spiderweb on the bumper with chipping paint. Its been a few days. Whats the best course of action? Doesn't seem worth going through insurance cause i have to pay a 500$ deductable in order to get it fixed. Its minor damage not nearly worth that ammount.




  1. You have two choices - either put this claim through your insurance company (and file a police report, although odds are they won't do anything), or let it go.  Your call.

  2. 4 choices:  ask the police to investigate, go after them yourself, use your insurance. Support lawmakers who will stop illegals from ruining our country.

    REPORT and DEPORT illegals !

  3. I would go there tell them t hand over some green. Otherwise you will get the law involved and there going to want to see some green(greencard). Tell them either way the're going to shoow some kind of green. If that doesnt work kick them both in the D1ck!

  4. Yeah you need to contact your local law enforcement or at least your insurance company and get this figured out ASAP. You have their information and even where they live so thats pretty much all you should be needing. Go report it and get your cars damage fixed, nobody should be driving without insurance, so if they weren't, they should pay for the damages

  5. You have to report it. It is considered hit and run.  There's just no way for you to get any money from them otherwise.  After all they won't even show you their insurance paper, why would they show you the GREEN backs.

    Good Luck...

    P.S.  do it soon - there's a limit on how long you can wait.

  6. Typical situation you have like many other people,therefor,be patient and check out the resource here i found useful.

  7. we'll it seems you can only go to the insurance company and the police or you can go over there one day with a shotgun.Hope you make the right choose!!

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