
Illegal immirant get marriaed and have child without permission for 6 ys whats going to be decison of her case

by  |  earlier

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my cousin came to uk in year 2003 as illegal immigrant and got married to a uk cicitzen in 2004 and have a baby son....her case is still pending in home office...she could not go back due to illness.....what will be her she is a law graduate and very talented....can she take addmission till the decison of her case......




  1. throw her on a plane, boat, train whatever and say dont let the door hit you on the way out....

    the only right that illegals should have is the right to a forceful trip back to where they came from

  2. Did she file any papers when she got married?

  3. she is an overstayer.

    No matter how ill she is or how 'very talented', she is an overstayer and liable to be deported after being in a holding centre for an extended while.

  4. when she came to the uk she MUST have been legal to enter the country. So did she seek asylum? when did her original visa expire? you say she came here in 2003 but has been illegal for 6 years? that doesn't quite add up. You say her case is still pending at the Home Office...your information isn't very clear. And I don't know what the decision will be. but if you would like to expand on that information perhaps someone will provide a better answer.

  5. Should I be making that descision she would be on the first available flight home.You have such a cheek you come on here and hope that people will be sorry for you well heres one that isnt.Should your cousin be that talented then she should be able to talk her self out of this situation.You will find that the laws of marriage has now been changed and it is a strict rule that Illegals or undesirables cannoit now be married.

  6. she's illegal,at the time and now,she hopes that by marrying in the u.k and having a baby she can stop here,she says she ill,she should go back and apply to live here

  7. Depor her should not be here.t

  8. She should be repatriated along with her child,her "husband" of convenience,if a British citizen he should stand trial for attempted fraud and any other charge that can be brought!

  9. By your own admission she is an illegal immigrant and as such she should not even be in this country. It is impossible to predict what the decision will be in her case, but there have been cases in the past where people in the same position have been deported. She can be deported even though she may be feeling unwell, and I suspect that she may even have come here originally to make use of the NHS despite the fact that she has never contributed towards it.

    I may sound callous but this is my country and I see people abusing our services and hospitality all the time.

  10. She shouldn't be here!

  11. i cannot predict what will happen?

    you will have to have until the decision is made by the UK gov.

    you may get deported or get amnesty ?

    i do not know.

    about the admission ?

    you will also have to be admitted in the UK legally and get a visa or holiday to study in the UK

    so therefore? i would suggest for you not to do that since you are already under illegal immigrant status.and you would be committing another illegal act .

  12. In order to formalise her situation in the UK she MUST deal with the immigration authorities and Home Office, plead her case through a lawyer. Not terribly hopeful but there is always a chance with her qualifications. Good luck

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