
Illegal in USA what should i do?

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mann im so stressed out about my status... im 17 and im gonna graduate from high school next year.... i dont know what to do!!! i really dont know.. i came with a tourist visa and stayed when i was 15.. i really wanna go to college and become something in this country!!!! i have too many goals!!! liike: i wanna be a body builder, model, dj producer, club dj and a computer engineer!!!! ohh mann!!! i dont know what to dooo i really wanna be a US citizen! i dont care about my coutry i dont even hang out with hispanic people.. im not bein racist... its like.. i live like an american.. play football.. wretlin.. baseballl i mean sometimes i feel white.. lol but im not white i donnt wanna be i just want to be somebody in the future!!!

WHAT SHOULD I DO?? go back to my country??




  1. Tought predicament you put yourself into there, I guess crime really doesn't pay.  I have no advice for you, you did this to yourself.

  2. u will have to either get married or go home for like 12 years  then u can come back

  3. I get what you are saying, I was brought here when i was only two months old so in essence i am an American citizen, luckily i got married to a good woman and now are legal in the country. I will just advise you to talk to a lawyer and see your options, you might have to stay in your home country for a while but it will be worth it.

    p.s. to dodgerblue_2008 if INS tracked people down on the net then they would not need to patrol the border nor raid businesses. You dumb ***

  4. Either you get married or you hide out as an illegal immigrant. There really is no choice for you in this matter because you did not properly immigrate into the Untied States, which is a terrible lack of foresight I must add. I fear you will be deported otherwise.

  5. Well, it is good to try to be something in the future but....first of all you started by staying here illegally and the worse of all being ashamed and trying to be something your not. I'm American with a strong Hispanic heritage and proud and I don't hate my Hispanic side in the contrary it make me stronger knowing who I am. Yes, you should go back to your country, we don't need you.

  6. Dont worry, INS will track your IP address and make the decision for you.

    Thanks for posting.

  7. your options are see if your state has a dream act or go home before your 18 1/2 and apply for a green card (at 18).if you leave before 18 1/2 you will have no repercussions a lawyer for options.

  8. Hide.

    You should have honored your visa when you were 15.

    You could have gotten a student visa, but now it's to late, you violated the law.

    You can't have a future here now legally, no matter what you do.

    You messed up.


    I knew a guy that had a business for a few years in the states, he was brought here illegally when he was 3 years old.

    Anyway the USA made him go back when they caught up with him.

    The poor guy doesn't even speak Spanish, he looks and acts American.

    Latina_Rica: "why would you not be part of the Hispanic culture if you are Hispanic"

    Yeah cause some of the best coke comes from Hispanic countries, and lets not forget the corrupt governments (mafia) that run them.

  9. Go home.  Do things legally.

  10. 2 options:

    (1) go back

    (2) go back turn 18 then become a working US citizen

  11. Yes, when you are 18 you need to go back to your country and apply to come here legally.  That is the only way you will be able to get into college and make anything out of yourself.  Otherwise, you will be constantly looking over your shoulder waiting to be deported.

  12. then go submit yourself to a naturalization so you can change your nationality....

    marrying someone (of course someone who has the citizenship) can change your nationality...

    if you're willing to stay then why not apply yourself an educational scholarship for college and continue studying...

    about your goals being a body builder, model, etc... that's your choice... you study what you like most (your passion)

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