
Illegal to kill a possum?

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Is it illegal to kill a possum in Vancouver, WA. I can't find any information on the internet that mentions it. I've not killed one yet but one did try to get into my garage. We have cats and I was worried it might try and kill it, even though I've heard they don't just go bat **** and kill your pets.




  1. Your cats are likely to kill the possum, and if they do it's not illegal because it's not like you could control the actions of your pets. Even if it was illegal, it'd be a little silly if they sent you to jail or something for a simple possum.

    Don't worry about it, but if the possum tries to get in again try to sweep it out with a broom or make a loud noise to scare it away

  2. It is not legal to just randomly kill any wildlife you please.  Certain species that become pests can be trapped and relocated and in some instances a permit can be issued to kill it.  In this case...make sure you don't have anything around your house to attract not leave cat food or water out, and make sure it does not have access to your any holes or access points.  There is no reason to kill innocent wildlife for no reason..and remember this animal has every right to live out in nature where it belongs..your cats are domesticated animals and are no longer part of the ecosytem.  Most likely it is not going to mess with your cats, and your cats are not going to mess with it.  If you are supplying it with food or will obviously keep coming to accept the free meal your are offering it. If you truly feel this animal is a threat call your local animal control to trap it for you, or borrow a trap from them to trap it yourself, following their directions and their laws.   If your neigbors are stupid enough to let kittens roam outside freely..they deserve to have them eaten. Belive me..opossums are the least of an outdoor cats worries!!

  3. Not when I lived there 2 years ago. It seems that if it destroys property or poses a danger to property or people or pets you can kill scavenger pests. I have killed them with slingshots and steel balls. Pellet guns if they are powerful enough. 22's shot guns. Are you in town if so slingshot is best. In head and when it falls if the tail is straight it is dead. if it is curled it is alive shoot it again in head.

  4. in the state of washington wildlife is the publics property), if a fox is killed by a wolf on your property they say its yours to dispose of kinda thing.

    if it comes on your property you can and should shoot it.

    whenever an animal is placed into a dangerous situation whether it is a human o a pet they have the right to defend themselves. if your cat does not have a gun, then you must protect the cat.

    now if someone reports you (again your not doing anything illegal) and they come and find that you have killed like 15 of them then they may say that you are not defending your animals and may make some sort of weapons use in close proximity to other residents thing on you.

    good luck and go get yer self a possum.

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