
Illegal to lie about a motorcycle when selling it?

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This salesman told me that this one motorcycle the Honda CBR125R is just as fast as the Kawasaki Ninja 250R even though the engine is half the CC's... he said becuase the ninja 250R's engine is "old" it is not as good as the "fuel injected" Honda engine that is top of the line, he said that the 125 could easily keep up with the Ninja 250... and that i should buy his honda over the kawasaki ninja's engine, i've done some research and learn that the 250R puts out double the horse power and more torque, however i almost made an impulse buy of the Honda. I was wondering if i bought the Honda ... could i sue the Salesman / dealership because he basically lied to my face? I'm from Canada also. Thanks




  1. its his 'opinion', to u and me 5-15 mph would be close, but to him like 50-60 was close, he wasnt serious, and gets paid to sell a product no matter how he does it

  2. If he put it in your sales contract or you have a written statement saying that -Yes -Only verbal its your word against his and prob wouldnt hold up in court

    A Crowbar works wonders sometime

  3. Don't count on retiring on the proceeds of the suit.

  4. Salesmen will tell you anything to get you to buy.  Its up to you to do your research to find out whats true, not true, and half true.  Much of it is flat out incorrect at the seedier dealers.

  5. sales persons will push there product like its the greatest thing out there but he only streched the truth the 125 is faster then the 250 in some ways wich makes it true     like if a 300 lb man rode the 250 in a  race agenst a 95 lb girl on the 125 she would smoke the guy but its all math more hp more speed    by the way 250 is way too small youll want more power in no time so start at 600

  6. Salesmen is in business of making $$$ and move on to another "sucker".  I wouldn't believe a word they said and most of the time they don't even know what they are selling!

    You are better off doing your own research and buy whatever you find fitted your needs.  When I do go to the "Stealership" I would already know what I want to buy and tell the salesperson not to bother me with other vehicle.

  7. no there would of been nothing you could have done never trust a salesmen find everthing out before you buy anything bike car etc.

  8. the only way you'd stand a chance is if he consented to the conversation being taped and you did, or he gave you this false info in writing.

    in short, no.

    let the buyer beware.

  9. If u have it written in contract that u bought the bike because he said is as fast as the other one and is not  u have a lemon law  lawsuit on your hand.

  10. with him telling you that about the speed i don' t think it is actually against the law but if most of the time if they lie about somethings it is

  11. You know how you can tell when a salesman lies........ his lips move. Welcome to adulthood kid, if there is a buck to be made folks will lie there buttock off to take your money. Good for you to research your own purchase.

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