
Illegal with a minor?

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Is it illegal to talk dirty to a minor without any pictures shown or videos or any plans on meeting If you just asked about their sexual activites is that illegal?




  1. i dont think that is illgell u are just talking to them not hurting them in anyway

  2. not sure but it is really stupid

  3. i don't know about illegal. if it's consensual, maybe not? i don't really think it's a good idea though.  

  4. You could still be charged as a pedophile. That could be considered lewd and indecent conduct. Don't do it. Get a life and straighten up.  

  5. First of all, I think if you are 3 or more years older than her, it is totally wrong.  Here in florida, 16 is the age of consent.  Basically if she is 16 or older, only her parents can press charges.  If she is younger than 16, then anyone can tell the police and the state can press charges, regardless of how the parents feel about it.  At any rate if it is illegal to be involved in sexual activity and you know that it is for a fact illegal in your state and with your age difference, then yes, it is Illegal to have "dirty" conversations.  If those messages were saved then he could get into trouble.  if not, then there is no proof and there for he cannot be prosecuted because it would be her word against his (if she decided to tell someone).  I would just advise him to only talk to girls of legal age.  There are a lot of traps on the internet set up to try and catch people doing this kind of thing.

  6. Answer depends on the Jurisdiction, 9 times out of 10 YES. You can

    not imply, impart, talk directly to a minor about sexual acts. This is

    a form of Sexual abuse. This person has broken the law. They can

    be charged with a crime. This person (your friend) has a problem.

    He or She needs to seek Professional help.

    They might want to check the local Jurisdiction criminal code acts

    involving children. If this child complains, your friend will be arrested,.

  7. yes,it could be construed as illegal.  

  8. Here it's illegal to perform any sexual activity if:

    You are 3 years older than the minor

    You are an adult and she/he is a minor

    If any of your actions were not welcomed

    Even is she consents to all your actions.

    Now, I don't know how far the "sexual activity" covers but I know that once a minor has a s*x with someone violating the above rules, it's considered to be statutory rape even though she agreed.

    It's best to leave the minor alone, in my opinion...that's why most people run away from minors screaming jail bait lol

  9. Hello Vinny, considering you did not actually come into contact with this minor nor' use "sexual explicit words", you should be okay. I know the US and the UK have different opinions on these activities however due to the time length (few minutes) and that you never became physically in contact nor' shared any media to suggest sexual relations you should be okay.



  10. it seems pretty sleezy and i hope your not doing it but i dont think you would really get in trouble

  11. if you asked about their sexual activities and its a minor its already considered explicit, try asking the age before doing such things

  12. If there was no sexual and/or explict words used, I don't find it illegal..

    it'll be illegal if you look at it as illegal...
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