
Illinois - Criminal Sexual Abuse?

by Guest57314  |  earlier

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I have a question. I have a very good friend who is being investigated for Criminal Sexual Abuse. He is 21 and had s*x with a girl who was 16, but as far as he knew she was 18. One day the police came to his house and said they were there to pick up a runaway, that her mom had called the police. He said, "How can an 18 year old run away." It was then he learned she was 16. He handed her over to the police never to talk to her again. Two months later she came back and said she was pregnant. Her mom got on the phone and told him he needs to give them money and marry her daughter otherwise she was going to charge him with Criminal Sexual Abuse. To make an even longer story shorter, he didnt do everything they wanted him to do and they called the police on him. A detective is now investigating the case and even I was questioned about it. The detective told me he couldn't tell me a lot but that it would be over in a few weeks and not to even worry about it, it would probably only be a headache for him at the most. He has e-mails from the girl and her mother threatening him that if he doesnt do this, or doesnt do that - that she is going to call the police. They also post things about him all over the internet saying he is a child molester. The girl also admitted to lying about her age. What do you think will happen? Do you think the detective will see that they were using it as blackmail and decide the charges were invalid? Just wondering other peoples opinions.




  1. The age of consent is 17 in Illinois according to Wikipedia. The whole thing is a huge mess. If I were advicing your friend, I'd say the first thing he'd better do is demand a blood test to prove the baby is his.

    Second, he should firmly tell the girl and her family if they continue to harrass him, he will file charges of blackmail and extortion.

    Whether or not he is charged with statutory rape is up to the DA's office. Certainly the police and the DA can and should take into account the length of time it took to report it as well as the harrassment he is recieving from them.

    No matter what, your friend has gotten himself into a h**l of a bad situation.

  2. It is a criminal sexual abuse.

    I think from experience, the investigator thinks the family will not pursue the matter and it may all blow over.

    There is no excuse in the law that says he thinks she's of age,  He still could get arrested but it sounds like the victim is a squirrel

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