
Illinois Tollway - Notice of Toll Violation

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I recently received a notice of toll violation. The notice included 34 violations, starting from 8/12/2006, all the way to 12/19/2007. The total I have to pay is $710.00

I called the number provided: 1-800-824-7277, and I talked to one of the representatives. Apparently, there is no way around it and I have to pay the money. My question is this, has anyone ever disputed the charges, or has anyone ever reduced the fine to a lesser amount?




  1. You have a couple of choices.  You can pay, and that will be the end of it, assuming you don't run up more fines.

    You can ignore it, and sooner or later your car will be booted or towed.

    Your choice.

  2. I can't help but notice, you do not dispute the violations, only the amount.  I would say 34 violations is kind of blatant, and I am not sure why you should get a discount when you could have paid the tolls to start with.

  3. my mother could not get out of hers, and she is handicap and a retired police officer. Not that i am saying cops are above the law, but u know what i mean. 34 tickets is a bit to much, maybe if it was 1 or 2 and u never had any before, they might shave off something. my mom had 7 and i think she paid almost 200 so it could be worse, sorry  

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