
Illinois has a smoking ban. Why didnt that ban just give rights to establishments that wish to be not smoking?

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This is a free country. If I have a business, and I prefer to be smokers only, I SHOULD HAVE THAT RIGHT!!! If I choose to be non-smoking thats my right too!!! A simple sign that says non-smoking or smoking establishment would have been a fair resolution. Now we have a cell phone ban, smoking ban, and the highest taxes here in the nation. Sweet home Chicago.




  1. Hey, you're just like Cali now! Yea, I agree. I think business owners should be able to choose what they want to allow on their own property. I don't like the government being our mommy  even though I don't like smoke.

    In states that still allow it, people just choose to go other places if they don't like smoke.

  2. Welcome aboard!  We have the same law here in IN!  Some people just don't get it:  for each freedom we lose we take a further step away from democracy!

  3. Just because you choose to kill yourself that doesn't mean everyone has to smell that ****.

    There will be waitresses and service staff that working in that business need the money to survive.  Why shoud they have to smell that ****.  It is as bad as the segregated businesses in the south in the middle of the last century.


  4. This is not, nor has it ever been a true health issue.  If it were, tobacco wouldn't even be legal in the U.S.

    This is the Corporate Health Industry's most effective campaign yet.  It began over 60 years ago when the pharmaceutical industry decided to go after the profits made by big tobacco.

    First, the smear campaign...use smoking and cancer in the same sentence to create the public perception that the two are linked, and run faulty studies while you're at it.

    Do you know why cancer became so prevalent?

    Two Words:  Prescription medications.

    Fast-forward to today, and, SURPRISE!  We have all these wonderful patches and pills from Pfizer and Johnson&Johnson to help you quit smoking.  

    Try Chantix....It'll make you insane, but you'll be smoke-free!

    If by some odd chance you ever get off the Nicoderm patch, we have a lovely array of andidepressants for're gonna need them after all the other psychotropic drugs have messed you up.

    It's called the Big Pharm Takeover.

    I keep smoking because I enjoy it, and because I no longer believe the lie.

    I don't think these illegal bans will last too long.

    As long as we don't stop bugging the idiots who did this to us.

  5. our government has been working to take away our freedoms for some time now.  

    I agree with you, its BS

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