
Im 10 dpo took a dollar test today came out negative?

by  |  earlier

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and i wiped my butt today and had lil spots of blood and when i wiped the front nuthin




  1. The butt bleeding does not have anything to do with your negative test.  10 dpo is a bit early to test,  I suggest waiting a week and taking another test.  Good Luck.

  2. I could be irritations from constipation or hemorrhoids or intestinal problems.

    If it continues after a few days or you start having heavy bleeding from the r****m, I would suggest seeing a doctor.

  3. TMI, lol..

    10DPO is still too early to test.

    Wait until you've missed a period. Tests will be more accurate.

  4. Definitely see your doctor if you're having rectal bleeding/spotting.

  5. blood is your butt is not good    

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