
Im 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and only gained 4 pounds, should i be gaining more?

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im walking about a mile a day, im only 5 foot and weight 127 pounds... i was not fat before getting pregnant, but i do have a bigger but and legs... i know this might sound bad but i really do not want to get BIG with my pregnancy, i do eat enough, and i eat healthy foods to.. i also make sure to get my protein and meats... i eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink milk and stuff like that.. so im not starving myself or anything.. im also going to join this swimming class for pregnant woman because i think it may help me not get to big... but to be 10 weeks and 3 days should i have gained more than 4 pounds?




  1. no youre gaining about right. In my 1st pregnancy I didn't gain much at all so I ate more, then at 7 mos. I shot out EVERYWHERE. Trust me, it'll catch up. At some check ups you'll not gain much at all and then at some you'll think you've gained too much. The baby goes through growth spurts, so you will too.

  2. Your gain sounds fine.  Baby is still VERY tiny, so most women only gain a few pounds (if anything) during the first trimester.  You will start to gain more in a few weeks.  

  3. I am currently just over 17 weeks and only gained 3 pounds so far.  As long as you are eating right and taking your prenatal vitamins and getting your exercise then you are doing just fine.  The weight will come.  Don't worry.

  4. No!

    talk to your doctor about what is APPROPRIATE weight gain.

    You see him once a month, right?

  5. im 12 weeks pregnant and have lost 6 pounds. and me loosing weight is completely normal. gaining 4 pounds is good. at 10 weeks the baby is about an inch long. and as long as you're eating healthy foods in the right proportion you should gain any more then 25-30 pounds during your whole pregnancy anyways. no worries =]

  6. More power to you for eating healthy.  It is true that if you don't watch it, you could easily gain 60 lbs or so, so diet and exercise is so important during pregnancy.  You don't really need to start putting on weight until fourth or fifth month, but every woman is different.  In the first trimester though, you don't really need to gain any weight.

    I gained 55 lbs during my first pregnancy, and ended up having problems, like gestational diabetes (even though I was skinny going into the pregnancy).  I also exercised a lot, as in, I was jogging 20 miles a week up until my 8th month.  But I was also eating a lot of sweets.  Sugar has always been my weakness (cookies, icecream, etc).  I am on my second pregnancy and in my 8th month.  So far I have only gained 20 lbs this time.  I even exercise LESS, I jog 12 miles a week.  But I did give up sugar for the entire pregnancy.  That includes all white bread, white potatoes, corn, breakfast cereal...anything with sugar.  I eat just as much, but every calorie I intake comes from fresh veggies, whole grains, meats, fruits and some dairy.  I've noticed that even my thighs and bottom have thinned out somewhat.  Anyhow, I hope this helps.  Take care.

  7. I was quite sick in my first trimester, so I didn't start gainig weight until my second trimester. I weighed 122lbs at 13 weeks pregnant and now at 26 weeks Im a whopping 137 haha It really depends on the person and such, just be sure to keep up the good work with your vitamens and healthy foods and not to over endulge and you will be fine. I dont want to get big with my pregnancy either because Im only 20, and who wants a nasty ol body at 20? haha

    good luck to you and your baby hunny!!

  8. im 24 weeks along and i have only gained 8 pounds and nobody worries about it. when i had my 16 week check i had lost 4 pounds from when i started out at my 12 week check. So i would not worry. I dont see any reason why people think they have to gain so much weight, i was already overweight when i started and my baby is the picture of health, i read that some people who wre your gestation period had gained 20 pounds already which i find crazy, pregnancy doesnt have to be an excuse to eat like mad. I eat only a fraction more than i did before i got knocked up and im fine. makes it easier afterwards to lose baby weight!

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