
Im 10 weeks pregnant and i always use the laptop everyday, alot, can it cause radiation?

by  |  earlier

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is it bad for the baby, sometimes i have it on my lap, i heard mobile phones are bad, are laptops the same. I have a wireless modem if that helps




  1. Why are you still using it if you are concerned. Also, I think it's better to ask a professional body rather than a public website

  2. I spent two pregnancies on 20 weeks of bed rest, which included lots of time witht the laptop propped up on my belly and talking on my blackberry. I also use a wireless modem. I haven't seen any problems in my 5 year old or my 2 year old, and although I didn't go on bedrest for the third I still used a laptop and blackberry daily and he is a happy healthy 1 year old! You'll be just fine! Congrats and good luck!

  3. Seriously if that is the case my baby is going to come out with 4 ears and 16 eyes.... I'm 37 weeks and no doctor has said a thing about telling me to limit my use of my wireless laptop. Even if there is radiation obviously it is not enough to effect the baby for doctors to be warning their patients from it.

  4. I wouldn't worry too much. If you are bothered by it then don't put it on your lap, but I think its ok.

  5. it can but I doubt that it produces that much or else there would be a big warning on the pc box, also you would have heard something on the news about it (pcs being bad) as many people use it daily for a lot of hours (work/school/etc)

  6. Everything gives off radiation basically. Better laptops than microwaves.

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