
Im 11 weeks pregnant?

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i feel nothing in my tummy as of now. i feel just about normal but yeah do have the symptoms though. why is it that i feel nothing in my tummy? is something wrong? pls help!!!!!




  1. At 11 weeks there isn't much to feel.  Most of the first trimester symptoms are subsiding and the baby is much to small to feel.  Plus, you aren't showing yet.  It's normal to feel concerned since there is no "physical" evidence that there is a baby in there!

    Sometime after 16 weeks, you will be begin to feel tiny flutters.  This is called quickening.  By that point, you may be showing as well.  

    It's hard not to worry.  But at 11 weeks, what you are and aren't feeling is normal.  You may consider renting a fetal doppler for peace of mind.  I was able to pick up my first daughter at 10 weeks and this baby at 9.  

    Good Luck!

  2. You are still early enough along that you probably won't feel much if anything. As long as you still "feel" pregnant then I would say just call your doctor's office tomorrow and explain your concern and see what they suggest.

  3. im 16 weeks,and a few days ago i went to my appointment. i told my doctor, i think my baby is dead! i don't feel pregnant, i just feel like i am slowly getting fatter. she laughed and said it was normal to feel like that. then she put the doppler to my belly, and heard the heartbeat again for reassurance.  

  4. You wont feel nething in ur tumy until the bubs starts kicking harder. (around 20-22 weeks sometimes earlier) Nothing is wrong ur uterus sits low in ur pelvis so ur tummy wont feel ne different till bubs gets bigger

  5. it 's only 11 weeks so u feel nothing .

    wait some time than u can fill your child .

    also take an advis ur family doctor .


  7. I felt nothing and showed nothing until i was about 16 weeks. When i went for my 12 week first scan i was actually scared the tests i done were wrong n there was nothing there. Thankfully there was but not everyone feels anything at 11 weeks. Im now 38 weeks. Good luck

  8. absolutely nothing is wrong. you wont feel like there is anything in your tummy until you hit at least 16 weeks. the baby is the size ofa gummy bear right now so obvously you cant feel anything. dont worry everything is fine :)  

  9. Your only 2 and a half months pregnant ,,of course you wont feel anything ,,wait till your about 4- 5 months then you will start to feel the baby, so this is normal as the baby is big enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Between 1.75 and 2.4 inches long your little bean weighs almost .3 of an ounce, and is probably about the size of a small plum. ok so this normal, don't stress about it  

  10. if you really does pregnant you should go for check-ups will do good for both

  11. if u have other symptoms im sure its fine. im 12 weeks and i only feel tummy preggers every once in awhile. but i get sick all the time. i have other symptoms tho, it just my tummy feels i guess kinda empty? at times. have u been to the doc yet?

  12. My fiance is 18 weeks pregnant today. she feels gassy that is not gas it is the baby and she just started feeling that within the last week. for you to not feel anything is completely normal. Everyone is different some get bad symptoms and some dont get any at all. everything is fine just trust in God and you'll be fine

  13. i was about for months before i felt anything so dont worry everyone is differ wait til u gt 30 wks like i am now and it amazing feeling your baby kick  
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