
Im 12 and thinking about running away!?

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i just asked this question not to long ago and from all the answers i got i decided that i am stil going to run away but i do agree with everyone that suicide is not my answer. im flunking school, i get into alot of trouble but i dont try to, and everyone is dissapointed with me! i am striving to do better but no wunts to help, i am going to run away so dont stop me but can i ask a very important question? i would like to go to my friends just for a few days then ill come home but her parents would call my grandparents and sooo send me home!! i wish i could go to a shelter just until i feel i can face my family again, well i dont really have much of a family. is there a run away shelter in grand junction, colorado? and if there is where is it? i have a bus pass but no money. i have some food that i could take with me but what else do i need to survive?

im only planning to be gone 1 or 2weeks but knowing me il come home after the first 3 days. i have no relatives to stay with.




  1. Running away isn't the answer- and I know you've heard this before.

    The fact of the matter is, when you run away, it makes it even harder to face your fears when you come back.  Your parents love you no matter what.

    And if you do end up spending a week or two out, at least have money first.

    I do hope that everything works out, and I'll be thinking about this in my prayers.

    God be with you!


  2. i get into alot of trouble but i dont try to

    How do you explain running away as not trying to get into trouble???  And why only be gone 2 weeks???  If you go, why don't you just stay gone, then you don't have to worry about being in trouble??

    Speak to your school counselor TOMORROW !!!  

    Talk to your Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, or other church leader TODAY !!!

    Fact is, everyone wants to help you, but you have to be mature enough to listen, understand, and adjust your behavior.

    Good Luck

  3. Seriously: Stop. Rethink. Decide. Why are you really doing this. Don't try to runaway from your fears. Things honestly will get better. Tell the people who are disappointed with you that they're standards are too high. If you still feel like running away, stay at a friends house.

  4. dont run away...just're 12, you have no where to go. if you absolutely must i would suggest a different friends house.

  5. do it, show your so called family what their doing to you, show them your not stupid and thats not your failing i say go, go wherever it dosent matter as long as your parents get a wake-up call. i think i shouldnt be saying this, this is terrible advice...

    or is it? well thats depends on why your running away if your parents are ignoring you and seem like they dont care about you run to h**l show them up and embarass them infront on all their friends, but if this is not the case your parents have tried with you and nothing has worked and they cried about it and their trying to support you even if its unsuccessfully then just because what their doing isnt working dosent mean they dont care. they're doing it because they do care,if thats the case talk to them dont run away its not the answer. and think if your child was like you what would you do after that if your parents are still faggots especially if they abused you then im with you

  6. I've been close to this. If you really need some time away , do it. Just be safe and be smart. I know this probably won't help(nevr dos) but try talking to your "family". the fact that you are trying to change is all that matters, and if they can't accept that, maybe they  should run away. although you are physically going to run away, you don't seem to be running away from your problems because you said you're facing them because you are trying to get bttr. its your choice, but be careful and pray and just maybe give it a litte more time and things may change. WISH YOU WELL.

  7. im telling you to email me i can help i have a sercert you must know please trust me

  8. Family is one of the best things you can have......

    so make sure you talk it out

    it would break your parents hearts if you run away they might feel like bad parents.  You should think this through more.

  9. i've thought about doing what ur are hopping on doing...

    so i when to my schools chaplin. he told me to be strong and i could stay with him. i did for a day then whent home.

    if ur school has a chaplin go to her/him it might help u a lot!

    or if he/she is realy nice he'll/she'll take you out of the state and pay for a holte room so u can stay there and not be bothered by ur parent!

  10. Running away isn't going to help you, it's going to make you feel worse. If you run away, you'll bound to be in even more trouble then you already are. Really, you're 12 years old. You're not even an adult yet, for Pete's sake, you're not even a teenager! You need to work for everything. You need to work in school and study! Then, your family will be happy with you. Running away isn't going to help your problems. You need to face life and not run away from it.

  11. dude this is endurance sport running not just running away.

    What looking for a good time? Try some strength traing befroe you attempt

  12. No!!thats a bad answer go to a tutor and think before you do something bad...

  13. Run the heck away. Sheesh i hate wimps ran away and get frickin lost for all i care. MAy the devil be with u scum.

  14. You need Jesus to survive, you are at an age when nothing you do seems right,  I don't  think you really want to run away, because if you really wanted to leave you would have been gone already,  you are seeking help for another way out, I going to pray this prayer, Lord Jesus if you are real, show this young person your grace and love, touch her (i think you are a Girl) mind, spirit and soul, open her eyes that she may see your love for her and how very special that she is. In the Name of Jesus AMEN


  15. honestly i dont care if you do or not because i dont no you none of us are trying to stop you but i get how you are i felt that before but if you get involved with something and feel like you belong to something important youll push your troubles aside and focus on your goal

    aka track(:

    join try it

  16. I suggest don't run away, but start running every day after school.  You will get in good shape, develop discipline, and maybe you'll find out that you are actually good at it.  Running might be a sport that you can do when you get to middle school.  It will help you to stop thinking negative, and just clear your head a little.  So, maybe you posted here by mistake, but maybe there's something here that will bring you out of your funk.

    Another thing you can do is pray.  Get yourself a Bible and read the New Testament.  Meet God now while you're young.  The Bible says "Cast all your cares on him, because he cares for you!

  17. You are a very bright girl and strong with a future ahead of you.   The only way to get that future back is by focusing on what is right, such as school, and do not worry about the people that make you unhappy. I am 14, i feel like i have been through things not very many people my age undergoes. Just ask yourself, is this really what i want to do, what i plan to be? Find a goal that you really want, and work towards it. That way it would keep you from the things that bother you. I won't stop you, but if you are really still going, think before you leap and your heart always knows best, god bless you and i will be parying for you.

  18. trust me, running away isn't the answer.

    no offense, but have you tried to at least TALK to your parents? Tell them how you want to improve, as parents, they will listen.

    No, no, no. No running away (even if you might not listen).

    there is no run away shelter. you won't survive on the streets for more than a night. it's cold, silent, and filled with hobos.

    imagine this: two parents silently crying next to a picture of their daughter or son. no matter what you think, they care about you, and worry about you.

    if your gone for more than 48 hrs, they can call the cops (and probably will). her parents are right to call.

    do you know that's considered kidnapping in some states?

    running away is never the answer to any of life's problem. you can never run away when the going gets tough.

    grab a hold of your problem and try to correct all that.

    nothing comes free, no one's perfect.

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