
Im 12 weeks preg & just been told after my nuchal trans scan that i have a 1 in 2 chance of a baby wtih ?

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Down Syndrome. I am having a CVS test in a couple of days. But the doctore said if this comes back clear there is still a high chance (36%) my baby has a heart defect or another problem because the neck thickness was wide (5.8mm). I am 36 years and have 2 healthy boys. Has anyone been told a scenorio like this and gone on to have a healthy baby? I didn't expect this result this morning and now i am worried.




  1. This is one of the hardest questions to answer I've ever seen... firstly, I don't have first hand experience except my girlfriend was 1in2 and had CVS and all was fine and she delivered a perfectly healthy boy.  I'd definitely get a second opinion on the heart defects and try to ascertain exactly what kind of defects/problems they are talking about.  Many, many babies are born with heart defects and are perfectly healthy. In fact, many aren't even picked up until the child is a toddler or older.  I'm also 36 and have my NT test tomorrow so I really wish you the best of luck.  I hope it all works out for you x*x

  2. hi there

       ive never been in such a situation but i can really very well imagine what u must be going thru.. im also 12 weeks pregnant. the only thing i can suggest u is to discuss everything with ur doctor and possible ways to help ur baby..i really really hope that everything works out fine for you...  

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