
Im 13, how much should i weigh?

by  |  earlier

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i am 140 pounds , 5"6

i go to the gym three times a week and run one mile - and i walk the dogs twice around the block everyday.

how much should i weigh?

i am a womens size eight.




  1. You should weigh about 115 pounds or so.

  2. If you're 5'6 you should be about 110 pounds if you want to be considered "thin".

    5'6 is pretty tall for a 13 year old girl, that's good, you'll probably end up being 5'9 ish, which is perfect.

    Just keep at what you're doing and you'll be perfect in no-time.

  3. my little sister is almost 13 and she weighs like 95ish

    answer mines:;...

  4. i think you're a little above average...

    I'm 15, 5"4' and 103, size 00.

    Or maybe you just have curves, girl!

    don't worry about it. [;

  5. At 13 years:

    your child is 140 pounds, and that is

    at the 92nd percentile for weight.

    your child is 66 inches, and that is

    at the 93rd percentile for height.

    A 13 year old (female) child

    who is 140 pounds

    and is 5 feet and 6 inches tall has

    a body mass index of 22.6,

    which is at the 85th percentile,

    and would indicate that your child is at RISK of becoming overweight.

    (doesnt mean you are overweight yet)

    BMI Categories for Kids

    Underweight - BMI less than the 5th percentile

    Healthy Weight - BMI 5th percentile up to the 85th percentile

    At Risk of Overweight - BMI 85th to less than the 95th percentile

    Overweight - BMI greater than or equal to the 95th percentile

    dont stress about your weight. you seem to be getting plenty of exercise and you're still young. go have your fun and dont stress about it so much. : )

  6. if you want to have a skinny body then like 120-125 is good

  7. well it really depends on how tall you are

    if your short you should weigh very littel

    if your taller your gona weigh more than you think

    o wait ha sorry i didnt read it all lol i think thats like im just guessing like 20-30 pounds over weight


    it could just be in your jeans

  8. youre taller than most 13 year olds so you will weigh more.

    you seem to be in good shape :)

    im 18 and  5'7 and 146.

    this is your BMI [body mass index]


  9. hmm i think for your height you should be around 130

  10. can i see you picture?  

  11. IDK but that sounds like you are a over weight.


  13. OK why do people continue to worry about this one thing. Your age has nothing to do wit how much or how little you should weigh. Weigh standards are actually a bad idea seeing that the curve on them are huge. Your weight can vary from another person's of the same height age and size by 10 to 20 pounds depending on how you carry your weight, your posture, muscle mass, eating habits, water retention, and even genealogy. We can't tell you how much you should weigh. Doctors only give you an average for the category that some people with far too many degrees and not enough to do say you should fall in.

    But I digress... Listen. If you keep yourself in good shape... stop worring about this weight thing. It's all mental.  

  14. Well, I'm 14 and I weight 85 pounds..when i was in grade 6 weight 65 pounds...

    I'm not anerexic, and I am a very healthy person..I am skinny..though it's because of my build. My mom is short about 5'1 and I'm now 5'5 .

    Don't worry. I have friends that are double me !


  15. u just need to lose a little more weight even though u exercise a lot, thats good but do you change the way you as much as you excercise the amount of food and what foods yyou eat matter too

  16. Age should not matter. You are indeed quite tall, so your build is different. You are a size eight? That's amazing. I'm a size nine!

    My estimates:

    If you have a slender build, you should be in the 110-125

    If you have a medium build, you should be in the 125-135's

    If you have a larger build, you should be in the 135-145's

    It really all comes down to your build. And if you're feeling self - conciouss today, did i mention you look beautiful today? (I don't know who you are, but I wanted you to feel good today), and did I mention you write wonderfully? (another attempt.)

  17. well im 13 5"3 and weigh like 95

  18. around 125-130

    but your getting there

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