
Im 13.I need a job.Any ideas?

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okay. I need a job because i want to buy things when they're cool,and stylish. Not when they're un-cool.I want a job that wouldnt embarress me infront of my friends.Like I get embarressed easly.So can anyone help me?




  1. Your age prevents most things, but a paper route would work.  No one would see you, and if you're really intent on just making the money...this will do!

    No embarassment cuz no one would see you (unless THEY are up at 4 in the morning)...and you'd get the $$.

    Go for it!!

  2. Work at a job you feel puts your strengths to use.

  3. Mow grass.

  4. I don't know what the legal work-permit age is in Canada (I'm guessing 15), but in the meantime, here's a few ideas:

    1. Get an allowance for doing chores around the house

    2. Mowing lawns/tending gardens for neighbors

    3. Walking dogs

    4. Babysitting for a neighbor

    5. Volunteer at your parent's workplace on weekends--maybe see if mom and dad would be willing to pay you for the hours that you work.

    6. Paper route

    7. Offer your musical skills (if any) at a local church for a fee

    8. Offer to help a neighbor with cleaning/doing odd jobs around their house

  5. baby sitter, dog wlker or groomer, chores, and sometimes ppl pay you under the table( that means secretly when your underageed)

  6. paper route. easy. doesn't take up much time. won't be embarrassing as most people won't see you. won't bring in big bucks, but it's extra cash. and really how many other jobs are there for 13 year olds? i had one when i was 12 to when i was 17. i liked it. people give tips. it looks good when you first apply to a real job too. it shows that you already have a sense of dependability, responsibility and customer service. and my friends didn't make fun of me, they were jealous.

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